

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Side 71

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Side 71
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 53 Lífhimnubólgur tengdar kviðskilun Ólafur S. lndriöason1), Karl G. Kristinsson2), Páll Ásmundsson11, Magnús Böðvarsson11 Pcritonitis associatcd with peritoncai dialysis Indriðason ÓS, Kristinsson KG, Ásmundsson P, Böðvarsson M Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 53-9 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is now a recognised treatment for end stage renal disease. An estimated number of 27.000 patients was being treated by CAPD world-wide in the year 1985. The most important complication is infection, peritonitis. The CAPD program started in Iceland in April 1985 at the dialysis department of the Na- tional University Hospital. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of infection associated with peritoneal dialysis during the first five years. All positive cultures of peritoneal dialysates from the Department of Bacteriology, and the hospital records of patients on CAPD, during the time peri- od 12.04.1985 to 12.04.1990, were studied retrospec- tively. CAPD was considered started as soon as the peritoneal catheter had been inserted. Peritonitis was considered to be present when the white blood cell count was > 100/pl or there were clinical signs of infection together with a positive culture from the dialysate. During the study period 27 patients were treated by CAPD for 609.6 treatment months. Peritonitis was diagnosed 83 times in 18 of these patients, giving an incidence of 1.63/treatment year. The most common cause was Stapliylococcus aureus, which was isolat- ed 35 times (42%). Other causative organisms were: 17 coagulase negative staphylococci (21%), three Gram negative rods (4%), one yeasts and three mixed cultures. In 12 (14%) of the peritonitis epi- sodes, no organisms were isolated. Admission to hospital was considered necessary in 74% of the episodes. One patient died of peritonitis. Studies have demonstrated various infection rates (0.23-6.3 infections/year), but has usually been be- tween 0.8 and 1.2 infections/year. It is of interest to Frá blóðskilunardeild", lyflaekningadeild" og sýklafræði- deild21 Landspítalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Karl G. Krist- insson, sýklafræðideild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. Tölvupóstur: karl@rsp.is. note that the most common causative organism in this study was S. aureus, as opposed to coagulase negative staphylococci, that have normally been the most prevalent. S. aureus usually causes tunnel in- fections, that are difficult to clear, without removing the catheter. This study demonstrates an above av- erage prevalence of infection, which should prompt a reevaluation of the current management proto- cols. Correspondence: Karl G. Kristinsson. Department of Clinical Microbiology, Landspítalinn, the Nation- al University Hospital, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland. E-mail: karl@rsp.is. Ágrip Sívirk kviðskilun (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, CAPD) er nú viðurkennd meðferð við nýrnabilun á lokastigi, en árið 1985 var áætlað að um 27.000 sjúklingar væru á slíkri meðferð í heiminum. Helsti fylgikvilli er sýking, það er lífhimnubólga (peritonitis). Kviðskilun hófst á íslandi í apríl 1985 á blóð- skilunardeild Landspítalans. Ákveðið var að kanna tíðni lífhimnubólgu hjá þessum sjúkling- um frá upphafi. Gerð var afturvirk rannsókn sem náði yfir tímabilið frá 12. apríl 1985 til 12. apríl 1990. Farið var yfir allar ræktanir á kviðskilunar- vökvum sem borist höfðu á sýklafræðideild Landspítalans og sjúkraskrár allra sjúkling- anna skoðaðar. Kviðskilun taldist hafin um leið og kviðskilunarlegg hafði verið komið fyrir inni í kviðarholinu. Lífhimnubólga taldist vera til staðar ef í vökvanum voru yfir 100 hvít blóð- korn/ul eða klínísk einkenni um sýkingu og jákvæð ræktun. Á þeim tíma sem rannsóknin náði til voru 27 sjúklingar meðhöndlaðir með kviðskilun í 609,6 meðhöndlunarmánuði. Lífhimnubólga greindist í 83 tilfellum hjá 18 þessara sjúklinga, og var sýkingartíðnin því 1,63 á meðhöndlunar- ári. Algengasta orsök lífhimnubólgunnar var Staphylococcus aureus, sem ræktaðist í 35 til-
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