

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Page 90

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Page 90
70 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 þvagblöðru þar sem þéttni þeirra getur verið mun meiri en í tilraunaglösum, benda þessar niðurstöður engu að síður til þess að meðferð á einföldum þvagfærasýkingum hér á landi sé orðin verulegt vandamál. Þakkir Meinatæknum á Heilsugæslustöðinni á Ak- ureyri er þökkuð vinna við úrvinnslu sýna. Læknafulltrúunum Hugrúnu Hólmsteinsdótt- ur og Heiðdísi Norðfjörð á Akureyri og Guð- nýju Sigurvinsdóttur í Hafnarfirði er þökkuð vinna við tölvuvinnslu, ritun og frágang hand- rits. HEIMILDIR 1. Arason VA, Kristinsson KG, Sigurðsson JA, Guð- mundsson S, Stefánsdóttir G, Mölstad S. Penisillín ónæmir pneumókokkar (PÓP) í nefkoki barna og sýkla- lyfjanotkun. 2. Vísindaþing Félags íslenskra heimilis- læicna 28.-30. október 1994. Egilsstaðir. (Ágrip, bls. 16.) 2. Lacey RW, Lord VL, Howson GL, Luxton DEA, Trot- ter IS. Double-blind study to compare the selection of antibiotic resistance by amoxycillin or cephradine in the commersal flora. Lancet 1983 ; 2 (8349); 529-32. 3. Kass EH. Bacteriuria and the diagnosis of infections of the urinary tract. Arch Intern Med 1957; 100: 709. 4. Hovelius B, Bygren P, Colleen S, Márdh P-A. On the diagnosis of coagulase negative staphylococci with em- phasis on S. saprophyticus. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand (B) 1977; 85: 427-34. 5. Woods GL, Washington JA. Antimicrobial susceptibil- ity tests: dilution and disk diffusion methods. In: Murray PR, Baron EJ, Pfaller MA, Tenover FC, Yolken RH, eds. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 6th ed. Wasing- ton: American Society for Microbiology, 1995:1327—11. 6. Guðnason Þ, Jónsdóttir Ó, Hreinsdóttir M. Þvagfæra- sýkingar hjá börnum — Gildi pokaþvags. Læknablaðið 1994; 80: 63-8. 7. Faro S. New considerations in the treatment of a urinary tract infections in adults. Urology 1992; 39: 1-10. 8. Johnson JR, Stamm WE. Urinary tract infections in women: Diagnosis in treatment. Ann Intern Med 1989; 11: 906-17. 9. Ferry S, Burman LG, Mattsson B. Urinary tract in- fection in primary health care center in northern Swe- den. Scand J Prim Health Care 1987; 5: 176-80. 10. Sigurdsson JA, Ahlmén J, Berglund L, Jerneck M, Lars- son L, Lincoln K. Three- day treatment of acute lower urinary tract infections in women. Acta Med Scand 1983; 213: 55-60. 11. Ahlmén J, Sigurdsson JA, Wohrm A, Calmenius C, Merck C, Bucht H. Effect on a three-day course of nalidixic acid in the frequency-dysuria syndrome with significant bacteriuria in women. Scand J Infect Dis 1983; 15: 71-4. 12. Hovelius B, Márdh P-A. Stapliylococcus saprophyticus as a common cause of urinary tract infections. Rev Infect Dis 1984; 6: 328-37. 13. Nordiska lakemedelsnámnden. Nordic statistics on medicines 1990-92, Uppsala: NLN Publication, 1993; no 34. 14. London N, Nijsten R, Mertens P, v.d. Bogaard A, Stob- bering E, Nijsten R. Effect og antimicrobial therapy on the antibiotic resistance of faecal Esclierischia coli in patients attending to general practitioners. J Antimicrob Chem 1994; 2: 239-46. 15. Beunders AJ. Development antimicrobial resistance: the Dutch experience. J Antimicrob Chem 1994; 33: 17-22. 16. Harnett N. Transferable high-level trimethoprim resist- ance among isolates of Escherischia coli from urinary tract infections in Ontario Canada. Epidemiol Infect 1992; 109: 473-81.
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