

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1998, Blaðsíða 11

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1998, Blaðsíða 11
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 629 Umfanci og einkenni örorku á íslandi árið 1996 Sigurður Thorlacius’'2’, Sigurjón Stefánsson11, Stefán Ólafsson3’ Thorlacius S, Stefansson S, Olafsson S Disability in Iceland 1996: size and characteristics Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 629-35 Objective: To determine the size and main medical and social characteristics of the group of individuals receiving disability benefits in Iceland and compare those with figures from the other Nordic countries. Material and methods: The study includes all those receiving disability benefits on the lst of December 1996 as ascertained by the disability register at the State Social Security Institute of Iceland. Results: On the prevalence day 8714 individuals were receiving disability benefits. Of those there were 7315 individuals who had disability assessed as being more than 75% (4.2% of the total population between 16 and 66 years of age); women: 4286 (58.6%), men: 3029 (41.4%). Disability was assessed as being 50% or 65% for 1399 individuals (0.7% of the total population between 16 and 66 years of age); women: 914 (65.3%), men: 485 (34.7%). Of those receiving disability benefits there is thus a significant excess of women (p<0.0001). Individuals with >75% disability are in excess in the capital region as compared with other areas (p<0.001 for men, p=0.03 for women). When different age groups within the population are compared there is a steady increase with age of the ratio of individuals with >75% disability. Disability is most commonly associated with mental disorders or diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Frá "Tryggingastofnun ríkisins, 2,læknadeild Háskóla ís- lands og 3lfélagsvísindadeild Háskóla íslands. Fyrirspurn- ir, bréfaskipti: SigurðurThorlacius, Tryggingastofnun ríkis- ins, Laugavegi 114, 150 Reykjavik, sími 5604420, bréf- sími 5624146, netfang sigurdth@tr.is Lykilorð: örorka, örorkubótaþegar, almannatryggingar. Conclusion: The percentage of the total population receiving disability benefits in Iceland, is similar to that in Denmark but considerably lower than in Finland, Norway and Sweden. When different age groups are compared it emerges that there are more individuals below 30 years of age receiving disabili- ty benefits in Iceland than in the other Nordic count- ries. In the older age groups this ratio is reversed and gets more marked with increasing age. The following main explanations for this difference are suggested: the level of allowance and organization of the social security system is different in Iceland compared with the other Nordic countries; the Icelandic unemploy- ment level is lower and work participation higher, especially in the upper age groups in Iceland. Keywords: disability, benefits, sociai security. Ágrip Tilgangur: Að kanna umfang og einkenni örorku á íslandi og gera samanburð við hin Norðurlöndin. Efniviður og aðferðir: Unnar voru upplýs- ingar um örorkumat, búsetu, aldur og fyrstu (helstu) sjúkdómsgreiningu öryrkja úr örorku- skrá Tryggingastofnunar ríkisins, eins og hún var 1. desember 1996. Niðurstöður: Á þessum tíma áttu 8714 ein- staklingar búsettir á Islandi í gildi örorkumat samkvæmt lífeyristryggingum almannatrygg- inga. Metin hafði verið yfir 75% örorka í 7315 tilvikum, hjá 4286 konum (58,6%) og 3029 körlum (41,4%). Metin hafði verið 50% eða 65% örorka hjá 1399 einstaklingum (0,7% Islendinga á aldrinum 16-66 ára), 914 konum (65,3%) og 485 körlum (34,7%). Örorka var marktækt algengari hjá konum en körlum (p<0,0001). Metin hafði verið yfir 75% örorka hjá 4,2% íslendinga á aldrinum 16-66 ára. Fjöldi örorkulífeyrisþega (yfir 75% örorka)
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