

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1998, Blaðsíða 11

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1998, Blaðsíða 11
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 829 Tvíblind framskyggn athugun á gagnsemi þarmahreinsunar á utan- spítalasjúklingum fyrir skugga- efnisrannsókn á þvagvegum Örn Thorstensen, Sigrún Davíðsdóttir, Kristján Sigurjónsson, Einfríður Árnadóttir, Pálmar Hallgrímsson Thorstensen Ö, Davíðsdóttir S, Sigurjónsson K, Arnadóttir E, Hallgrímsson P Double blinded prospective studv of usefulness of bowel preparation on outpatients before intra- venous urography Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 829-32 Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether or not a bowel preparation should be ad- ministered prior to intravenous urography (IVU) on outpatients at the Reykjavík Hospital. Material and methods: In a period of seven months 89 outpatients remitted to IVU were randomly divi- ded into two groups, A and B. Patients in group A went through bowel preparation before the investiga- tion but patients in group B did not. The patients in group B were asked to consume only fluids, begin- ning the evening before the investigation. Five patients were excluded from the study. The remai- ning 84 patients were equally divided between groups A and B. Before the investigation all patients in both groups were asked to flll out a questionnaire giving their reactions to the preparation procedure. Three experienced radiologists performed image interpretation. Delineation of the urinary system, diagnostic ability and quality of cleansing were judged. The study was prospective and double- blinded. The same type of contrast media, the same dose and the same type of film were used each time. A comparison of results between the two groups was carried out. Frá myndgreiningardeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur Foss- vogi. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Örn Thorstensen myndgrein- ingardeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur Fossvogi, 108 Reykja- vík. Sími: 525 1000, netfang: ornthors(g)shr.is Lykilorö: þarmahreinsun, skuggaefnisrannsókn af þvag- vegum. Results: The age distribution was the same for both groups. Most of the patients in group A (76%) experienced the cleansing procedure as uncomfortable and 12% as awful. In group B most of the patients felt the pre- paration was comfortable. No one in group B said that the preparation was uncomfortable. There was no difference between the groups accor- ding to delineation of the urinary system except for the urinary bladder, where the delineation was jud- ged to be worse in group B. Air in the bowel was the main disturbing factor in group A, but both air and faeces in group B. The quality of cleansing was jud- ged to be better in group A. There was no difference between the groups in terms of diagnostic ability. Conclusions: Bowel preparation on outpatients be- fore IVU causes discomfort to the patients and does not improve the quality of the results. Key words: bowel preparation, urography. Ágrip Tilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var athugun á gagnsemi þarmahreinsunar á ut- anspítalasjúklingum fyrir skuggaefnisrann- sóknir af þvagvegum (intravenous urography) á myndgreiningardeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavík- ur. Efniviður og aðferðir: Á sjö mánaða tímabili var 89 sjúklingum, sem sendir voru í skugga- efnisrannsókn af þvagvegum, skipt tilviljana- kennt í tvo hópa, A og B. Sjúklingar í hópi A fengu þarmahreinsun fyrir rannsóknina en þeir í hópi B enga. Sjúklingar í þessum hópi voru beðnir um að neyta aðeins fljótandi fæðis frá kvöldinu fyrir rannsóknina. Fimm sjúklingar féllu úr rannsókninni. Eftir stóðu 84 sjúklingar sem skiptust jafnt milli hópa A og B. Fyrir rannsóknina voru sjúklingarnir beðnir um að fylla út spurningablöð þar sem spurt var um óþægindi þeirra vegna undirbúningsins.
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