Læknablaðið - 15.11.1998, Blaðsíða 80
The First Nordic
Postgraduate Course in
Obstetric Anaesthesia,
Gothenburg, Sweden,
April 14th-16th, 1999
The course is organized by the section for obstetric anaesthesia of the Swedish Association
for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and with the special approval of The Scandinavian
Society of Anaesthesiology. We are looking forward to meeting colleagues from the Nordic
countries as well as colleagues from the Baltic states and northwestern parts of Russia.
Registration fee Sw Kr 2.500 + VAT
For further information please contact Doctor Per Elowsson, Department of Anaesthesio-
logy and Intensive Care, University Hospital, Uppsala, S-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden. Fax no
Registration enquires to West Conf, Korsgatan 7, S-534 31 Vara, Sweden. Telephone 46-
(0)512-10032. Fax no 46-(0)512-16251.
Special economic assistance may be provided for a limited number of Baltic as well as
Russian anaesthetists from the northwestern part of Russia.
For further information please contact Per Elowsson, same address as above.
Norræn ráðstefna um félagslækningar
Haldin í Reykjavík 3.-5. júní 1999
Ráðstefnan verður haldin á Hótel Sögu. Hún verður opin læknum og öðrum áhugamönnum
um félagslækningar og fer fram á ensku og Norðurlandamálum. Meginefni hennar verða:
1. Equality and inequality in medical and social services in the Nordic countries.
2. Risk behaviour among young people.
3. Is women’s health declining in Western societies?
4. Increased use of alternative medicine: why?
5. Broken homes: the effect on health and well-being.
6. Flexible retirement age, with respect to cost and well-being.
7. What are the effects of health promotion?
8. Free papers and posters.
Ágrip þurfa að hafa borist fyrir 1. mars 1999.
ítarlegri dagskrá ásamt eyðublöðum fyrir skráningu á þátttöku og gistingu munu liggja fyrir í
Nánari upplýsingar um frágang ágripa og annað fást hjá landlækni.
Veffangið er: www.landlaeknir.is/congress