

Læknablaðið - 15.05.2001, Side 106

Læknablaðið - 15.05.2001, Side 106
LAUSAR STÖÐUR J VcKO& \)CCV\ "CðÁó&W oj X VWfO \\\OKV{ \h jo WttZfKfé. Wow, jUél bojofo vm foWfomovW, J W^IaI io ^Ufi[/lff ^ifflAíjl/lf 14 I/MM Ofow! Go\fáocjum -fof mofo: Jty J ^k However, the best fish run deep - so we t/se our finest nets; o Excellent opportunities for further education - O Great working environment and personal development O Is your partner also looking for a job? o A strong and varied professional culture Are you in need of finding a house or a place in o Good conditions for research and kindergarten? We will do our best to help you out! professional development o All moving expenses will be paid by us, as per regulations in force. In connection with Ihe National Health Program for Psychiatric Services, we wish to recruit more doctors who can join us in our effort to meel the goals of the program. NPS is certifiedfor educating psychiatrists, and the hospital has its own psychotherapy supervisors. As a psychiatrist you are entitled toa 4 month paid sabbatical every 5 years. For more information about the vacancies, the hospitai and our Tour, please call our acting personnel mana- gerKristinAronsentel. (+47)75501032, or our personnei consuitanl Marianne Holm tel. (+47)75 50 10 36. Pleasesend your application, including CV, and certified copies of certificates and degrees to Nordland Psychiatric Hospital, Personnel Office, Kloverásvn. 1, N-8002 Bod0, Norway. Be as kind as to name two character references. E-mail us at personal@nps.nl.no Closing date for applications: May 2fth 2001. The best qualified applicants, with spouse/partner, will be invited to a tour of nearby Nordland. The trip is free of charge for you both, as ive want you to come and see for yourselves: Maybe you 'II take to us like fish to water! 0 Experience our fabulous nature from the deck of a boat O See the Midnight Sun, and eat delicious seafoods O Regain your calm in an outdoor bathing pool 0 Let us show you NPS, while providing what information you seek 0 Meet some of your future colleagues O Be entertained by our resident vaudeville artists June 7fH cmá 8th J OWtf ljOU M A \Wc Kag Nordiand Psychiatric Hospital is the regional psychiatric hospital in Nordland county. The hospital has a catchment area of 45 municipalities with a population of 245.000. We are situated in Bodo, atown of 44.000 inhabitants. Bodo is the second largest town in Northern Norway and is a modern centre of public services and communications. The town offers a rich cultural life, beautifuland varied nature, with an exiting coastline ofbeaches and islands. NPS has approx. 800 employees in total, and consists ofsix main wards. Professionally, NPS is comparable to other Scandinavian hospitals, andin certain areas such as stronger emphasis om decentralized psychiatry, we have been one step ahead of current trends. This has resuited in fewer long-term patients, shortertreatment periods, and a substantial increase in our treatment capacity. The hospital takes pride in having dedicated employees, who enjoy working in an interprofessionai therapeutic milieu. 494 Læknablaðið 2001/87
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