
Jökull - 01.12.1984, Síða 9

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Síða 9
the magma before eruption. When this is done it can be seen for example that FeO and Ti02 have a tendency to increase with decreasing MgO. In this case the variation observed is likely to be real. In each sample about ten grains were analyzed and the average of these was then used to re- present the sample in Table 1. In some of the samples variation between individual grain analy- ses was greater than in other but since this is so close to the precision limit it is not, at this stage, possible to decide whether it is random error of the machine or real variation within individual samples as suggested for the samples as a whole. The conclusion therefore is that the glass phase of the ash erupted has a fairly uniform chemical composition but minor variation near the limit of the analytical method may be present. Variation in the amount of crystals is not reflected in the composition of the accompanying glass. The 1934 eruption. In the ten samples from this eruption the glass phase was similarly analyzed and with very similar results (Table 1). The samples from the tephra fall of April lst 1934 show a very small variation which for all the elements is within the precision limit of the method and gives some indication of the possible precision for samples analyzed during one period. The result is therefore that the composition is similar as that of the 1983 ash and minor variation may be present between the samples. Analysis of the glass phase of ash from the 1934 eruption from a drill core in Bárdarbunga (Stein- thórsson 1977) is also listed in Table 1. The apparent difference between that and the other samples is not significant as it was analyzed under different conditions. A number of whole rock analyses are available from the 1934 tephra and other eruptions. One of them, SAL 51 (Steinthórsson 1977), used the same sample as 0018, but since that sample is dominantly black tachylitic glass only a limited number of grains could be analyzed. The similar- ities of the glass and the whole rock support the observation that the crystal content of the sam- ples is small. The 1922 eruption. The two samples from the 1922 eruption have an identical composition although sample 0007 has significantly higher crystal content. This composition is very similar to that of the two later eruptions. The 1903 eruption. This one sample has similar composition as the other samples but appears to be slightly less evolved. In two of the samples, 0025 from the 1934 eruption and 0008 from the 1922 eruption, one grain was found in each that had markedly less evolved composition from the rest. The signifi- cance of this is very uncertain since these could easily be xenoglasses incorporated during the eruption. DISCUSSION Detailed knowledge of earlier eruptions is scarce but the behaviour of the 1983 eruption seems to be similar in most respects. No jökul- hlaup accompanied the eruption like most other known eruptions but similar behaviour has been noted previously. The pattern of small eruptions at short time intervals, nine this century, seems to be characteristic of Grímsvötn. The chemical composition of the products of this eruption also seems to be very similar to that of earlier erup- tions, from this century at least. The basalt type erupted in all the eruptions discussed here is a quartz normative tholeiite similar to that found to dominate other central volcanoes. It is highly evolved and very different from any basalt that is likely to be derived from the mantle below Iceland. The presence of three mineral phases and low crystal content suggests a final evolution of the magma at relatively low pressures (O’Hara 1982). Significant evolution from a more primitive original liquid must there- fore take place during ascent through the crust. The frequent sampling of this magmatic system is specially interesting when considered in rela- tion to the very high geothermal energy output of the area. This energy, estimated at 5000 MW, must be of magmatic origin and it is estimated that this corresponds to the cooling of 50 million m3 of magma during the last 120 years at least (Björnsson 1983). Estimates of the amount of the magma involved, although uncertain, suggest that 89% cools as intrusions, 8% deposit in the lake and 3% form the tephra layers (Björnsson 1983). These observations put serious constraints on possible evolution processes within the magmatic system. The most realistic model for the geothermal system in Grímsvötn (Björnsson et al. 1982, JÖKULL 34. ÁR 7
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