
Jökull - 01.12.1984, Side 33

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Side 33
Fig. 4. An ice cauldron NE of Grídarhorn that has collapsed and changed into a circular cylinder about 100-200 m in diameter. Photo: Helgi Björnsson, December 1983. 4. mynd. Sigketill norðaustan við Gríðarhorn sem breyst hefur í sívalningslaga pytt, 100-200 m í þvermál. Myndina tók Helgi Björnsson meðan hljóp úr Grímsvötnum í desember 1983. odour emanated from the hole. Áskelsson sug- gested that a small eruption had occurred at the end of the jökulhlaup in late September covering a large area in the western part of Grímsvötn with ash. Further, in 1945 Áskelsson (1959) observed a cauldron close to the western crater of the erup- tion of 1934. During the jökulhlaup 4-22 July 1954 Thorarinsson (1974, p. 188-191) observed from the air a crater at the southern slopes of Svartibunki. The diameter was about 200 m and loose materials had been thrown around by an explosion. In June of 1955 Thorarinsson (1955) described the sink hole in an expedition to the area. He also reported a dark layer at 1.5-2 m depth in snowpits. This layer was presumably spread by an explosion when the sink hole was formed during the jökulhlaup in July of 1954. Thorarinsson (1956) reported a circular depress- ion of 200 m diameter in the SW corner of Grímsvötn that was not there in 1955. Eythórsson (1960) observed a hole 2-3 km northeast of Vatnshamar 5 months after the jökulhlaup during 8-25 January. The opening was circular, 25-30 m in diameter. Steam and sulphurous odour arose from the hole. Thorarinsson (1974) suggested that all the sink holes were formed in steam explosions as the overburden pressure was released during the jökulhlaups. He suggested that the dispersed loose material might have been sand rather than new volcanic products. An explosion of that kind had been reported from the Kverkfjöll area in 1959 (Jóhantisson 1959). However, Tryggvason (1960) reported earth- quakes of magnitude about 3 in the Grímsvötn area on 17th and 21 July 1954 and 21, 22 and 24 January 1960 that may indicate volcanic activity. Since 1960 sudden changes of the thermal activity have not been reported in Grímsvötn until the eruption in late May 1983 from a crater beneath W-Svíahnúkur (Fig.2). During the jökulhlaup in Dec. 1983 an ice cauldron east of Grídarhorn collapsed and changed into a circular cylinder some hundred metres deep and about 100-200 m in diameter (Figs. 2 and 4). So far (February 1984) this sink hole has only been studied from the air. No signs of explosions were observed. We refer later to this cauldron in the discussion of the triggering of the jökulhlaup in December 1983. Geothermal activity on the Grímsfjall mountain ridge On the Grímsfjall mountain, direct surface expressions of geothermal activity can be JÖKULL 34. ÁR 31
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