
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 35

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 35
TABLE 2. Concentration of dissolved solids in water from Skeidará sampled at the peak of jökulhlaups. TAFLA 2. Styrkur uppleystra efna í hámarki jökulhlaupa. Jökul- hlaups pH / °C sío2 Na K Ca Mg co2 tot so4 H2S C1 F Tot. dis. 1954” 57 60.9 15.6 18.1 0.0 8.7 0.3 388 1965+ 7.0/ 56 63.5 19.0 59.5 10.4 680 38.7 42.7 0.5 416 1972* * 7.5 / 44 89.0 3.0 28.0 10.0 480 13.0 11.0 1976# 50.5 43.0 3.8 45.6 9.9 23.5 13.5 1982# 6.02 / 22 60.0 53.1 4.2 50.4 10.8 595 19.2 0.3 13.2 0.17 369 1983# 6.45 / 21 56.5 50.3 4.8 38.9 11.8 343 48.8 0.0 7.6 0 0.31 359 ” Rist (1955) # NEA data + Sigvaldason (1965) ★ Steinthórsson and Óskarsson (1983) and the measured maximum ground temperature is 72°C (in 1981). Marked changes have not been observed in the the geothermal activity on the mountain. How- ever, one of the ice cauldrons on the E-Svíahnúk- ur collapsed in 1983-84 and a 500 m long, 200 m wide and 50 m deep depression was formed just west of Hithóll (Fig.2). This may have been caused by increased thermal activity. Increased thermal activity was observed at W- Svíahnúkur after the eruption in Grímsvötn in May-June 1983. Ice caves were formed on the slopes similar to those that are usually observed at the eastern nunatak. INFLUENCE OF JÖKULHLAUPS ON RIVER WATER CHEMISTRY During jökulhlaups the chemical composition of water in the rivers on Skeidarársandur is influ- enced by geothermal water from Grímsvötn. Results of chemical analyses of river water have been reported by Rist (1955), Sigvaldason (1965), Steinthórsson and Óskarsson (1983). The present paper adds further data from the jökulhlaups in 1976, 1982 and 1983, together with data for the rivers Skeidará, Sandgígjukvísl and Súla when they are not influenced by jökuihlaups. In addi- tion, data are presented for other glacier rivers (Djúpá, Hverfisfljót and Skaftá) which drain Vatnajökull (Fig.l). Jökulhlaups are not dis- charged regularly into the rivers Djúpá and Hverfisfljót but periodic jökulhlaups occur in Skaftá from ice cauldrons 10 km northwest of Grímsvötn (Fig. 2, Thorarinsson and Rist 1955, Björnsson 1977, 1983). Analyses of river water Water from Skeidará has been sampled and analyzed during the jökulhlaups in 1965 (Sig- valdason 1965), 1972 (Steinthórsson and Óskars- son 1983), 1976 (National Energy Authority (NEA) data), 1982 (NEA data and Steinthórsson and Óskarsson 1983), and 1983 (NEA data). Up to the year 1982 very little was known about the normal seasonal changes in the chemistry of the water. Since the jökulhlaup in February 1982 water from Skeidará has been sampled and analy- zed regularly. Results of the analyses are pre- sented in Figs.5-8 and Table 2. Fig. 5 shows the concentration of Na, Si02 and S04 during the whole period. The data are believed to represent normal concentrations. They may also show sea- sonal variation. There appears to be a maximum concentration of most components during the early spring (1983) and a minimum in the late summer (1982 and 1983). However, during the JÖKULL 34. ÁR 33
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