
Jökull - 01.12.1984, Síða 44

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Síða 44
Mgv = (eMa-a(Mt-Ma) + (Lj+e+a)Mi) / Lv (6) Mgv = Mt - Ma - M, - Mgv (3) where a = c2(T3-T2) and e = c^T^-Ti). The equations above have been used to calcu- late the unknown masses, the steam fraction x = Mgv / (Mgv+Mgw), and the terms in the energy equation. Fig. 9 shows how the results vary with the geothermal mass fraction k. These computa- tions were done for the temperature at the bot- tom of the lake equal to the boiling temperature at 30 bar overburden pressure, that is T3 = 235 °C. The average temperature of the lake was assumed to be T2 = 6°C. (The choice of T2 is not critical for the results, in the possible range from 0°C to, say 10°C). Other values used in the com- putations were: Mt = 6.6-1011 kg/yr, Ma = 1.5-1011 kg/yr, T, = 0°C, L, = 335 kJ/kg, c, = 4.218 kJ/kg K, c2 = 4.245 kJ/kg and Mr = 0.M011 kg/yr (NEA data, Sigurjón Rist pers. comm.), and, Lv = 1770 kj/kg. The results in Fig. 9 show that the energy balance limits k to the range from 0.09 to 0.21. For k=0.09 the entire discharge to the lake must be steam if the required energy is to be provided. For k = 0.21 no steam could be present as heat from the geothermal water provides all the required energy. As k increases the mass of geothermal water is increased but the mass of steam is decreased. But when the mass of steam is reduced by a certain amount the mass of water is increased by (1+Lv/a) times (typically three times) this amount. Therefore, the mass of ice (Mj) required for melting is reduced as k increases and the total thermal power of the geothermal area is reduced from 5300 MW to 4300 MW (see Fig. 9). Estimates of geothermal mass fraction. Further interpretation of the calculations, illus- trated in Fig. 9, depends on the estimate of the mass fraction k for the Grímsvötn geothermal system. This estimate can be done with the aid of equation (1) which applies for a substance whose concentratíon is neither changed during storage in the Grímsvötn lake nor when the water runs subglacially to Skeidarársandur. The geothermal mass fraction could be estimated if we knew the original concentration of all five components. Consider a non-volatile substance whose con- centration in the geothermal vapour (Cgv) is negligible compared to that of the water phase. Further the concentration in the meltwater com- ponent at Grímsvötn is equal to the normal con- centration in the rivers on Skeidarársandur. From equations (1), (2), (5), (6) and (7) we obtain for Cgv=0 and Ca=Ci=Cr the estimate k=(A+S)/(R+B) (8) where A=(e Ma + (L( + e)(Mt - Ma))/Lv (9) B = (Li + e + a)(Mt + Mr)/Lv (10) R=(Mt + Mr)(Cgw - Cr)/Cgw (11) S=(Mt + Mr)(Cj - Cr)/Cgw (12) and e=Ci(T2-T|) and a=c2(T3-T2). All parameters and numerical values are the same as in the section above. We believe this model applies for the poorly soluble silica. Ice melted in the geothermal area is originally precipitation and contains small amounts of dissolved silica (<1 mg/kg). How- ever, meltwater from the surface as well as the bed may have reacted with rocks on the way to the lake in a similar way as has water discharged into the glacier rivers. For Skeidará the normal concentration of silica is Cr=10-20 mg/kg (see Fig.5) when the river is not influenced by jökul- hlaups. The mean concentration of silica is 13± -5 mg/kg for rivers in Iceland (NEA data). The measured concentration of silica is Cj=44-60 mg/ kg in water from jökulhlaups (Table 2). In most jökulhlaups the silica concentration has been near 60 mg/kg; this value Cj=60 mg/kg and Cr= 13 mg/kg is used in our calculations. The com- putations show that the geothermal mass fraction k increases from 0.12 to 0.18 as the concentration Cgw in the geothermal water entering the lake decreases from 800 to 300 mg/kg. The concentration of silica in the geothermal fluid can be estimated on the basis of assumptions about the likely reservoir properties at Gríms- vötn. The silica concentration in high-tempera- ture areas is controlled by the reservoir tempera- 42 JÖKULL 34. ÁR
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