
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 55

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 55
1971), and they are evidently due to Antarctic volcanoes (Kyle and Jezek 1978). Why is this so and why are such tephra layers not present in Greenland ice cores? — There seem to be only two logical explanations of this fact: 1) The many volcanic eruptions during the Holocene did not produce sufficiently large amounts of fine tephra to add significantly to the Greenland dust concentrations. 2) Greenland is too far “down-wind” from “close” eruption sites as compared to Antarc- tica. The geographical position of Antarctica at higher latitudes than the southern polar frontal system and a rather circumpolar movement of the debris laden airmasses secures a much higher chance for fine tephra of “local” origin to remain in the dry Antarctic air. With respect to fine tephra from distant erup- tions the only major difference between Green- land and Antarctica, (to judge from fission-pro- duced radioactive material from the nuclear bomb tests during the years 1953-1965, especially Sr90), is a 2-3 times higher concentration in East Antarctica due to the low level of the yearly precipitation, (H.B. Clausen personal com- munication, 1983). The absence of visible ash layers in the Greenland Ice Sheet must therefore be due to both point 1 and 2. If tephra is taken as a general term for fine volcanic debris, it would include the acid volcanic gases; in fact I can quote Sigurður Thorarinsson (1981, p. 133) “Tephrochronological connections have through the work on Greenland ice cores, become global. . .” Using the word tephra in this sense, acid tephra layers can be detected in the ice sheets. Before discussing the acid volcanic layers in the Greenland Ice Sheet a few remarks on the only visible dust layer of atmospheric “origin”, observed in Greenland ice cores would be in place. A VISIBLE DUST LAYER IN THE DYE 3 CORE A visible yellow to brown banded layering, a few cm thick was observed in the Dye 3 deep core. It was preceded (in time) by a 30 cm annual ice layer (from summer to summer) of more than 50 times the average Holocene dust concentra- tion. Other visible layers exist in the core, but they are near to the bedrock and consist of bot- tom derived material. The layer was encountered at 751,51 meters depth and is a statistical anomaly, when com- pared to Holocene dust concentrations in Green- land ice cores. The layer is indicated in Fig. 1 (left side). The seasonal ð(lsO) variation over the year of high dust deposition showed no unusual varia- tion, which suggests, that no unusual meteorological pattern, at least in the Greenland region, was the cause of the high dust concentra- tion. The electrical conductivity was below nor- mal and pH measurements proved the layer to be neutral or even slightly alkaline: The latter being unique for Holocene ice, at least over an entire annual ice layer. An inspection of the dust by SEM, TEM and microprobe techniques revealed layered as well as unlayered microcrystalline material of high Si content. Uncalibrated microprobe data give the following area percentage of the Ka spectrum, accelerator voltage 21—26 kV: Si:69.3 Al:1.9 K:5.8 Fe:19.2 Ca:0.6 If the layer is a tephra layer it deserves some attention, because it is dated to 174—175 A.D., which is not too far from the 14C date 130 A.D. for the New Zealand Taupo eruption which has been suggested as the cause of unusual atmos- pheric optical phenomena during the reign of the Chinese emperor Ling Ti — A.D. 168—189 (Wil- son et al. 1980). Wilson et al. quote the Chinese annals: “During the reign of Ling Ti several times the Sun rose in the east red as blood and lacking light, only when it had risen to an elevation of more than two zhang was there any brightness. When it set in the west, at two zhang above the horizon it was similarly red. — Also during this period, several times when the Moon rose and set and was two to three zhang above the horizon, all was red as blood”. (A zhang is approximately equal to 12°) The low conductivity of the debris layer could be due to the special eruptive type of Taupo, but there are complications in interpreting the layer as volcanic! — Why is there no similar visible layer in the Antarctic Byrd core; after all the JÖKULL 34. ÁR 53
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