
Jökull - 01.12.1984, Side 127

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Side 127
than having been sculptured by a substantial ice cap. Models for the Late Weichselian in the Borgarfjördur region Apart from Bárdarson s (1923) interpretation of the Late Weichselian environments in the Borgarfjördur region, three basically different models have been presented. Th. Einarsson (1960, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1968, 1973) suggested that the Borgarfjördur region became ice-free at about 13,000 BP. The sea followed the retreating glaciers and marine sedi- ments were accumulated. A glacial readvance during the Álftanes (Older Dryas) stage, starting at about 12,300 BP formed terminal moraines in the entrances of the Borgarfjördur tributary val- leys. A glacier advancing from the east, from the Svínadalur-Hvalfjördur area, piled up conspi- cuous terminal moraines across the Leirársveit lowland (the ridge Skorholtsmelar). According to Th. Einarsson the Borgarfjördur main valley was not glaciated during this phase. About 12,000 BP the glaciers retreated and the sea transgressed to the marine limit. According to Th. Einarsson the region was not seriously affected by the Búdi (Younger Dryas) glacial readvance. Th. Einars- son’s interpretation concurs substantially with that of Bárdarson (1923) and is supported by the work of Jónsson (1972), Gunnlaugsson et al. (1973), Torfason (1974) and Ingólfsson (1981). Ashwell (1975) presented a model in which, prior to about 12,500 BP, the entire landscape, except the highest points of Skardsheidi, was covered by ice moving from NNE across ridges and valleys towards the present edge of the Ice- land shelf. Accompanied by the thinning of the ice in the millennia before 12,500 BP the con- tinuous ice broke into separate ice streams in the mountainous areas. These ice streams converged on the Borgarfjördur Iowlands and formed a piedmont-glacier which possibly extended towards the SW and around the southern end of Hafnarfjall onto the Melasveit lowlands. With rising sea level the glacier floated, resulting in a short lived ice-shelf which deposited material on the bottom of the sea and contorted the bottom sediments. Ashwell emphasized the importance of subglacial and englacial water activity in the deglaciation process. He does not recognize any glacial readvances, but seems to consider the deglaciation to have been more or less con- tinuous. Sigbjarnarson (1976, 1980) outlined a model for the Late Weichselian in the region by which the movement of the glaciers was mainly directed through the valleys of Borgarfjördur from a gla- cial centre north of the present Langjökull gla- cier. As the glaciers retreated the centre shifted to the eastern part of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. Sigbjarnarson proposed two successive glacial readvances in the Borgarfjördur region which reached the Melasveit area. He suggested that the ridge Skorholtsmelar is a terminal moraine deposited during these readvances. According to Sigbjarnarson, both the glacial readvances occur- red during periods of relatively high sea level. The former glacial readvance, which Sigbjarnar- son correlated with the Older Dryas, occurred when the sea level stood some 100-110 m above the present sea level. The latter glacial readv- ance, which Sigbjarnarson correlated with the Younger Dryas, occurred when the sea level was 60 m above the present sea level. Sigbjarnarson suggested that the tributary valleys of Borgarfjördur were ice-free during the last stages of deglaciation. He further suggested the possibil- ity that they were occupied by ice-dammed lakes. Sæmundsson and Einarsson (1980) mapped the ridge Skorholtsmelar as a terminal moraine formed in front of giacier which moved down Borgarfjördur, thereby agreeing with Sigbjarnar- son’s interpretation. Little ice age glacier growth in Skardsheidi When reviewing studies of the Late Weichse- lian in the Borgarfjördur region, it can be of interest to note that during the Little ice age glaciers grew considerably in the north-facing wall of Skardsheidi. Possibly it can throw some light on the Late Weichselian environment and climate. Ólafsson (1772) noted a small cirque-glacier in the north-facing wall of Skardsheidi, above the entrance to the Skorradalur valley. He inter- viewed the local farmers about the glacier, and concluded that it had begun to grow during the first decades of the 18th century. The Icelandic naturalist Sveinn Pálsson visited the area in late August 1791 and commented on the greenish colour of the glacier ice and its crevassed surface (Pálsson 1945). Kjerulf {1853) noticed the glacier JÖKULL 34. ÁR 125
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