Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 140
Dags. Árafjöldi Hop m Hop meðaltal tgv tg V meðaltal Leysing meðaltal Ár
m/ári m/ári
Date No. of Recession Mean ann. v: Slope of Mean Mean Year
years recession m/a glacier surface of tgv ablation, mla
1959-06-20 2 232 116 0,0620 0,062 7,2 1959
1961-06-11 2 198 99 0,0627 0,063 6,2 1961
1963-06-08 1 100 100 0,0641 0,065 6,5 1963
1964-06-20 1 65 65 0,0665 0,066 4,3 1964
1965-05-28 1 118 118 0,0659 0,069 8,1 1965
1966-06-25 1 55 55 0,0724 0,071 3,9 1966
1967-06-12 2 180 90 0,0701 0,072 6,5 1967
1969-06-22 2 159 80 0,0734 0,071 5,7 1969
1971-06- 5 401 80 0,0694 0,076 6,1 1971
1976-06-20 3 198 66 0,0822 0,092 6,1 1976
1979-06-29 0,1015 1979
1959-06-20 10 948 95 6,3 1959
1969-06-22 10 758 76 6,0 1969
1979-06-29 1979
TAFLA 3: Tungnárjökull við Nýjafell í 750 m hæð. Hop og leysing 1959-1979.
TABLE 3: Tungnárjökull at Nýjafell, elevation 750 m a.s.l. Recession and ablation 1959—1979.
the climate change after 1965 on glacial rivers in
Iceland is demonstrated by examples of double
mass comparison of discharge and precipitation
in Figs. 5, 6 and 7. Long-term fluctuations of air
temperature, precipitation and the discharge of
three main rivers of southern Iceland are illu-
strated by curves of moving averages (Figs. 8 and
Arnason, B. 1975: Groundwater Systems in Ice-
land Traced by Deuterium. Science Institute,
University of Iceland.
Björnsson, H. 1981: Niðurstöður íssjármælinga á
Tungnárjökli og Sylgjujökli. Raunvísinda-
stofnun Háskólans, Landsvirkjun.
Björnsson, H. 1982a: Jöklarannsóknir í þágu
virkjanaaðila. Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags ís-
lands 67: 44-52.
Björnsson, H. 1982b: Drainage Basins on Vatna-
138 JÖKULL 34. ÁR