
Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 4

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 4
ably close. Discrepancies in estimates which occur for some smaller eruptions must be viewed in the context of many contributing potential errors, such as inadequate modelling of global fallout from ice-core data, under- estimates of erupted mass of magma, compositional variation during eruption, presence of sulfur and halogen-bearing mineral or iiquid phases in magmas, and other factors, all of which require further study. Recently we have progressed from viewing the vol- canic aerosols as „dust“ composed mostly of fine silicate ash (Axelrod 1981) to the realization that it is largely sulfuric acid (Castleman etal. 1974). The new petrologic data (Devine et al. 1984) and re-examination of the ice- core evidence has resulted in the further realization that sulfur is only one of the major volatile elements and that chlorine and possibly fluorine compounds may be equally abundant in certain events, although they may not undergo gas-to-particle conversion and thus may not have the same residence time and climatic effect as H2S04. The geological record, as read in petrologic studies of glass inclusions, shows that the composition of released volcanic volatiles is highly variable from one eruption to another, and is largely dependent on the geochemistry of magma in the specific source volcano. In this paper we discuss petrologic estimates of released volcanic volatile mass from several recent eruptions and compare these estimates with direct measurements of erupted aerosol mass, where available, as well as ice- core data. TAMBORA 1815 The great 1815 Tambora eruption in Indonesia pro- duced phonolitic tephra, estimated between 87.5 and 90 km3 dense-rock equivalent (Rampino and Self 1982 Stothers 1984). No new field studies of the distal tephra fall deposit have been carried out since 1929 (Neeb 1943) and the current volume estimate is very poorly constrained. The aerosols from the eruption produced widespread optical and meteorological phenomena, causing a mean Northern Hemisphere tropospheric temperature decrease of 0.4 to 0.7°C (Stothers 1984). From analysis of sulfur, chlorine and fluorine in glass inclusions in phenocrysts and matrix glass of 1815 Tam- bora tephra, we have estimated (Table 1) a total vol- canic volatile yield of about 4xl014 g acids from this eruption. By comparison, Hammer et al. (1980) esti- mated a total of 1.5xl014 g acids (H2S04+HX) on basis of fallout on Greenland ice-sheet. This estimate has been increased to about 2xl014 g total acids by recon- sideration of the ice-core background value (Stothers 1984). The difference between the petrologic estimate of volatile mass and ice-core based estimate of the Tambora aerosol is thus about a factor of two, which is a good agreement, considering the uncertainties involved, particularly in estimation of the mass of total erupted tephra. Rampino and Self (1982) claim that our petrologic estimates of total sulfur yield from Tambora 1815 and other eruptions are underestimates when compared to the ice-core data. This claim is unfounded and is apparently based on the presumption that the ice-core acidity is due solely to H2S04 aerosol, whereas in fact, the mass of acids in the ice core layer calculated by Hammer et al. (1980) is presented as (H2S04+HX). The importance of the other acids (HX) is clearly demon- strated in the example of Tambora (Table 1) and in other cases discussed below. The most unexpected aspect of the petrologic esti- mate for the Tambora volcanic volatile is that the atmospheric yield of both chlorine and fluorine was higher than that of sulfur. Detailed chemical analyses of the Tambora acidity layer in well dated Greenland ice- cores are needed to corroborate this finding. Very high concentrations of C1 are indeed present in the early 19th century level of an undated ice-core from north-west Greenland, where C1 is up to 830 mg/g, compared to the 10 mg/g background level (Herron 1982) and may be due to high-latitude fallout of the volcanic aerosol from the Tambora eruption. LAKI 1783 The well-known Laki basaltic fissure eruption in 1783 in Iceland was one of the major volcanic-aerosol-pro- ducing events of the historical period (Sigurdsson 1982a). The magma was predominantly erupted to form lava flows and hence the total erupted mass is well known, unlike in the case of most explosive eruptions, where tephra is very widely dispersed and the volume poorly known. The petrologic estimate of the volcanic volatile is 9.19xl013 g total acids (Devine et al. 1984) consisting predominantly of H2S04 (98%), with minor HCl (2%). By comparison, Hammer et al. (1980) esti- mated 10xl013 g global total acid fallout (H2S04+HX) from the Laki eruption on basis of acidity in a Green- land ice-core (71°N). They furthermore estimated that the acidity layer consisted of approximately 70% and 60% S02'4 in the Crete (Hammer 1980) and Dye 3 (.Hammer 1977) ice-cores, respectively, the remainder being Cl". More recently, however, Herron (1982) has shown, by direct chemical analysis of the acid layer from Laki in the Milcent core that about 95% is accounted for by S02‘4 and only 5% by Cl', or very close to the proportions predicted by our petrologic estimate. Another important feature of the ice-core data on 2 JÖKULL 35. ÁR
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