
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 21

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 21
Stadarvatn. There, with a sea level around 15 m higher than today, it remained for a while, depositing the Stadarvatn moraine ridges and the upper till bed. (2) A simpler interpretation of the data includes downwasting of one body of ice from the higher to the lower lateral terraces and only one retreat of the glacier to behind the present coastline. This was then followed by a short oscillation of the ice front. Sea level would then seem to have transgressed to the 15 m level rather synchronously with this glacial readvance as the ridges composed of the upper till are abraded to that level. The very approximate position of the glacier front during formation of the lower set of lateral terraces at Hvarfnúpur is indicated as zone C in Fig. 6. The Stadar- vatn moraine zone (Fig. 11) and a probable contempor- aneous moraine in lower Thverdalur are indicated as zone D. Látrar and Rekavík: A lateral terrace can be traced along the mountainside west and north of Látrar in northern Adalvík. Its surface lies around 25 m above present sea level at Látrar, where the terrace is about 200 m wide, and it rises to 40 m near the junction with the Rekavík valley (gradient 10 m/km), there being Fig. 11. Air-photo showing southeast- ern Adalvík with lake Stadarvatn (S), the Thverdalur valley (T) and Mount Flvarfnúpur (H) indicated. The late- ral terraces at 70—50 m and 50—35 m altitude on the slopes of Hvarfnúpur are indicated by black arrows. Within the conspicuous terminal moraine zone northwest of Stadarvatn, the section shown in Fig. 8 is indicated by an arrowhead. Note also how the moraines from cirque X (floor alti- tude ca. 150 m) northeast of the lake cross the lateral moraines deposited by the valley glacier, thus postdating them and indicating a low ELA dur- ing som late part of the Late Weichse- lian. Cirque X was not glaciated dur- ing the Little Ice Age. Photo pub- lished with permission of the Geode- tic Survey oflceland. 11. mynd. Loft- mynd af suðausturhluta Aðalvíkur. Staðarvatn: (S), Pverdalur: (T) og Hvarfnúpur: (H). Svartar örvar benda á jarðarhjalla í 70—50 m og 50—35 m hœð í hlíðum Hvarfnúps. Staðsetning jarðlagasniðs á 8. mynd sýnd með svörtum oddi. Takið eftir hvernig jökulruðningur frá hvilft X sker jaðargarða daljökulsins. Petta bendir til að seint á síðjökultíma hafi jöklunarmörk legið mjög lágt, en botn hvilftarinnar er í um 150 m yfir sjó. Hvilftin var jökullaus á Litlu Isöld. about 50 m wide. At Látrar the terrace has an at least 10 m thick lower bed of sandy, silty till, with many rounded stones and boulders, and an upper 15 m thick unit of glaciofluvial sediments, mostly horizontally bedded gravelly sand with beds of well rounded stones and boulders. The glaciofluvial sediments were deposited close to or above sea level, which at the onset of deposition probably stood around or below the present 10 m level. The thickness of these sediments indicate that the base level, i.e. sea level, gradually rose to about 25 m above the present sea level. A branch of the glacier covering the lowlands behind Látrar drained northwestwards through the Rekavík valley (Figs. 2 and 5), and was reinforced there by two local cirque glaciers. The altitude (17-19 m) of the JÖKULL 35. ÁR 19
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