
Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 27

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 27
Fig. 16. Marine erosion of talus cones at Kögur, proba- bly indicating a presently rising sea level. 16. mynd. Sjávarrof á skriðukeilum undir Kögri, sem bendir til áflœðis. evidence from Hornstrandir, in a peripheral position with regard to the Vestfirdir peninsula, suggests that during the Weichselian glaciation the high plateaux were not covered by active glaciers, as no signs of glacial erosion or deposition were found there. Possibly the plateaux were covered by thin, inactive and/or cold based glaciers or firns. Using the maximum value for the thickness of active glaciers, an approximation of their maximum horizontal extent leads to the conclusion that during the Weichselian maximum glaciation they could not have extended more than some 6-10 km off the present coast. We suggest that two concentric zones of shallow banks at the entrance to Adalvík may be of glacial origin, and that the outermost bank possibly represents the Weichselian maximum position of the ice front. According to our concept the ice extent here, during the Weichselian maximum, was much more limited than proposed by Andersen (1981). The nuna- taks, plateau edges and slopes could probably have provided some refuge for plants and animals. (2) During deglaciation the sea level reached 26—15 m higher than today. Morphological and stratigraphical evidence shows that the general retreat of the glaciers was interrupted by a readvance before final deglaciation of the area. Despite extensive search we did not find any organic material to absolutely date the deglacia- tion, but on the basis of analogy with other areas in Iceland, we propose that the readvance occurred during the Younger Dryas period. (3) Shortly after the final deglaciation, a heavy influx of basaltic tephra took place. This tephra, the Haelavík Time B.P. Extent of glaciation Sea level. ELA, m lce covered Comments 0 100 200 I I I rising >500 í 300-350 {<500 1-1.5 8-10 9000- 10000- I I I \ S 0 15 26 rising < 150 > 400 Haelavik tephra ? 18000- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ > None Medium Slight Extensive l < 150 > 800 Nunataks ♦ unglaciated outermost shelf Fig. 17. Summary of our results concerning the glacial history and sea level changes on Hornstrandir. 17. mynd. Samantekt yfir niðurstöður okkar um jöklunar- sögu og sjávarstöðubreytingar á Hornströndum. Jöklun- armörk (ELA) eru fundin með samanburði á botnhœð hvilfta með og án jökla. tephra, will be a scope of a separate study as it could constitute an important marker horizon, if found in connection with dateable material elsewhere. The tephra could also open the possibility to link the Horn- strandir record with the deep-sea record, as important deep-sea cores with tephra horizons have been taken from the surrounding seas (Kellogg 1980, Kellogg et al. 1978, Ruddiman and Mclntyre 1981). Efforts are being made to extend the well dated tephrochronological record back to Late Weichselian time, to allow for correlation of marine and terrestrial data (Mangerud et al. 1984). (4) During the Little Ice Age, glaciers were re-estab- lished in 7—10 cirques on northern Hornstrandir, with a total glaciated area of 8-10 km2. The ELA in the glaciated cirques varied with exposure, between 300 and 500 m above present sea level. There were no glaciers on western Hornstrandir during the Little Ice Age. Today, four cirques on northern Hornstrandir contain small glaciers, with a total area of maximum 1.5 km2. Lichenometric studies at one site indicate that the maxi- mum extent of the Little Ice Age glacier there was reached around or before AD 1860 and that the glacier had almost disappeared by AD 1920. (5) Coastal erosion of talus cones and of lacustrine/ fluvial sediments is interpreted as indicating that sea level has risen in comparison with earlier parts of the Flandrian. This is in contrast to Tr. Einarsson (1946, JÖKULL 35. ÁR 25
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