
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 42

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 42
jpj Fig. 9. View to SE of N end of Tröllkonustígur over Bessastaðaá. The relatively unsorted Skridu- klaustur deposit is exposed at the left-hand side of the section. — 9. mynd. Séð frá norðurenda Tröllkonustígs yfir að Bessastaðaá. of the Tröllkonustígur above Skriðuklaustur along the lower slopes of the valley side up to about 100 m altitude, northwards for about 5 km, (Fig. 1). At its southern end the deposit forms thin, discontinuous, lobes running downward from the lowest steps of the Tröllkonustígur, and here no good exposure is avail- able, samples varying considerably in analysis but not showing much sign of sorting. The deposit is thicker where it is cut by the Bessastaðaá ravine, (Fig. 9), but the best exposure was found a little to the N in a stream tributary valley, the sample giving an analysis shown as 80/3 in Fig. 6. fn appearance the material at first sight seems to be an unsorted mass of fine material including mainly rounded stones, but closer examination shows some definite layering. The analysis suggests a till deposit partly re-arranged and redeposited by water action. Apart from this material, however, samples from deposits in the upper part of the valley and its tributar- ies, above the recent alluvium, prove to be well sorted. Most seem to occur at 40 m to 50 m around the valley margins. Opposite the Múli farm, on the N side of Norðurdalur, hard, layered and fine-grained deposits are exposed in a road cutting at about 40 m, (No. 80/8 in Fig. 6) and similar but much softer material is exposed in a bank in the Ytri-Víðivellir farm in Suðurdalur, (No. 80/6 in Fig. 6). Both materials show a similar analysis and the difference in hardness may only reflect the fact that the Norðurdalur deposit is not weathered. Neither appears to be a rhythmite, but both were probably deposited in still water. A small section of apparently similar material is exposed just N of thé Hvammur farm site on the W side of the main valley at the edge of a platform running down the valley side, on which the main parts of the Valthjófsstaður farms are sited at just over 40 m. A gravel terrace at Múli, in the middle of the main valley, is shown in Hjartarson et al. (1981) as being at 50 m altitude. Two exposures of possibly deltaic material have been found in the same area. In Norðurdalur, just to the S of sample No. 80/8, a roadside quarry at 35 m to 40 m altitude has exposed some 3 m of markedly rippled and contorted, layered sands and small pebbles apparently displaced by frost wedges, (Fig. 8). The mechanical analysis, and the degree of disturbance and folding could show an esker rather than a sub-aerial delta. It is covered by a variable thickness of unsorted material, (80/10 in Fig. 6). Current-bedded material of coarser sands and gravels is exposed in a roadside quarry just above Skriðuklaust- ur at about 70 m. A sheepfold below is on a likely extension of the platform at 40 m running from Hvamm- ur, while above is the relatively unsorted material runn- ing from Skriðuklaustur N across Bessastaðaá, No. 80/3 in Fig. 6. It is not possible to see any clear contacts with these deposits above or below (Fig. 11). The current- bedding in the bedded material appears to be arched, suggesting an origin in an esker rather than a sub-aerial delta. Rather similar material is exposed in both sides of a 40 JÖKULL 35. ÁR
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