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Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 50

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 50
of lateral features associated with subglacial water flow. One of the major problems in interpreting landscape history in Iceland is that while the evidence of large- scale, sub-continental glaciation is clear all over Ice- land, the traces of its disappearance are few and so small-scale that they seem to bear no relationship even to stadial glaciation. A similar situation was apparent during an examin- ation of the Borgarfjörður-Mýrar area of W Iceland, (Ashwell, 1975), and it was suggested there that the main late-Glacial process had beenengiacial and subgla- cial water flow. This and the lack of end moraines are readily explicable when viewed in terms of Iceland’s volcanic and glacial history. Rifting and volcanism have been taking place in Iceland since the Tertiary. The presence of the Pleis- tocene ice cover modified the volcanic processes and the resulting structures, formed subglacially, (Kjartansson 1943), were distinctive landscape features such as table- mountains, (van Bemmelen and Rutten 1955), known collectively as the Móberg formation. Volcanic activity continues today under Vatnajökull, Mýrdalsjökull, and, sporadically, under Öraefajökull. The result of this activity has been a complete modifica- tion of the coastline of S Iceland for a length of some 130 km in the approximately 1100 years of historical time, (Thorarinsson, 1974) by mainly volcanic jökul- hlaups. In the case of the Grímsvötn caldera under Vatnajökull it has been estimated, (Björnsson, 1983), that some 10% of the total inflow of magma to the area reaches the glacier base, that is, about 5x 106m3yr_1, and about 3%, that is 1.5xl06m3yr"1, is erupted into the glacier as tephra, on average in recent time. The volume of the resulting floods, carrying Iarge amounts of solid material of volcanic origin, is of the order of several cubic kilometres. In the case of Katla, under Mýrdals- jökull, Jónsson (1982) suggests that the process has been a volcanoglacial debris flow on occasions, rather than a jökulhlaup, because some 80% of the total volume of up to ^xlO^m^s""1 at peak flow may be of solid material. It must be assumed that similar processes have occur- red relatively frequently on a geological timescale throughout the later Pleistocene and Holocene, and that melting must have occurred whether the overlying ice was Polar or Temperate since present theory sug- gests that the pillow-lavas forming the core of the Móberg structures were extruded into water, (van Bemmelen and Rutten, 1955; Saemundsson, 1979). Since it is difficult to estimate the rate at which the Móberg structures were built up there would be little point in trying to calculate the amount of water involved or the distance which it could have travelled to escape under the ice. It can be suggested, however, that in the case of the largest structures water could have reached the margins of the ice by flow along existing channels, mainly pre-Glacial river valleys. Where these valleys did not follow the most direct escape routes, normally following the direction of ice surface slope and there- fore of the flow of ice, (Shreve, 1972), to deeper waters beyond the ice edge on the continental shelf, water would flow sub-glacially across ridges or englacially across valleys to maintain the direct flow. There is no theoretical reason why such flow is not possible, (Röth- lisberger, 1972), especially when the source is high up on a plateau providing sufficient head for considerable upward or downward movement. Under these condi- tions esker formation can be expected in the lower parts of rising flows, (Shreve, 1972). The process would have accelerated as ice thickness decreased and ice margins retreated to reduce flow distances. Once these margins were established on land the existence of end-moraines in valleys would be short because of the periodical jökulhlaups and they would be more likely to have survived on higher ground. The Snaefell massif to the SW has clearly been the source of both water and deposited material for Fljóts- dalur and lower Jökuldalur. The volume of volcanic material in the system, resting on a basement of Terti- ary rocks at about 650 m elevation, rising to 1833 m on Snaefell itself and covering an area of 20x12 km, is enormous and the corresponding amount of rock and water released during the sub-glacial building process must have been very large, with sufficient head to be capable of substantial transport and erosion until either the volcanic centre became extinct or the ice cover disappeared. In support of this theory it should be noted that, apart from a thin covering of unsorted material covering the widespread eskers and perhaps representing the final downwasting of ice, neither of the deposits of unsorted material in Fljótsdalur and the lower part of Jökuldalur is found in the main valley. The deposits N of Skriðu- klaustur are marginal to the valley and also show some signs of layering: Only the material on Fellaheiði, now being cut by Rangá, is true moraine or drift, filling a depression between Sandvatn stóra and Rangárhnjúkur and well away from any water flow in the main valleys. It appears that this upland area must have been covered by an ice tongue under pressure, with water from the S following its NW edge through the Tröllagjót notch into Jökuldalur, and round its E edge past Rangárhnjúkur. 48 JÖKULL 35. ÁR
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