Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 61
Fig. 6. A simplified figure showing
the main structural features of the
Vellir thermal field.
6. mynd. Einfaldað líkan af Vellis-
exploitation of wells at Baer (Georgsson et al. 1981b)
implies that the conservation of the Vellir geyser must
be extended to the whole thermal field to be effective.
Enforcement of this would prohibit drilling along the
Vellir line. At Sturlu-Reykir and along the Hagahús line
production from wells would probably have to be
limited to free flow.
This work was financed by the Geothermal Division of
NEA. We wish to express our thanks to Karl Gunnars-
son for his assistance in interpretation of the magnetic
data and to Laufey Hannesdóttir for measuring the flow
of the Reykjadalsá river.
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