
Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 63

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 63
Survey of Gljúfurárjökull and Features associated with a Glacier Burst in Gljúfurárdalur, Northern Iceland C.J. CASELDINE Department of Geography University of Exeter, UK ABSTRACT Survey ofthe marginal area of Gljúfurárjökull in 1983 has showed the glacier to have advanced 25 m between 1981 and 1983. Further lichenometric work was under- taken re-examining some of the problems encountered earlier in establishing the character of recent deglaci- ation. A number of permanent lichen sites were also set up to eventually make direct observations of lichen growth rates. Detailed surveying and sampling of a largely depositional feature found at the ice margin was also undertaken and it is suggested that it was formed very rapidly due to a ”burst“ of water in the ice-marginal zone during the 1982—83 winter season. INTRODUCTION Gljúfurárjökull, a small valley-head glacier lying above the main glacial trough of Skiðadalur in the Tröllaskagi peninsula in Northern Iceland, has been the subject of several studies of recent marginal fluctuations and of the pattern of deglaciation experienced over the last century. Although observations of such changes have been and are still made largely by Icelandic work- ers (Eythórsson 1956, 1963; Rist 1977, 1983), work has also been undertaken by a number of British groups, in particular from the Geography Department at Exeter University (Caseldine and Cullingford 1981; Caseldine 1983, 1985). It is some of the results from the latest of these visits, in 1983, that are presented here. At Gljúfur- árjökull work was concentrated initially on resurveying the glacier margin at the snout and dating, by the use of lichenometry, a ridge found immediately outside the main ridge system. This ridge was therefore outside the margin previously identified as being of Little Ice Age date. In order to evaluate the use of lichenometry as a dating technique in the area a number of permanent lichen sites were also established to begin direct observation of lichen growth rates. Finally a detailed examination and survey was undertaken of a feature that appeared to be associated with a burst of water in the ice-marginal zone. The relative freshness of this ephemeral landform meant that much of the available time at the glacier was concentrated on the description and accurate mapping of what could be traced during the period of survey. ICE MARGIN SURVEY Survey of the glacier margin in the snout area foll- owed the same methods as those previously used in 1979 and 1981 (Caseldine and Cullingford 1981; Caseldine 1983) utilising the network of survey stations already established in the valley. The persistence of a heavy snow cover, heavier than that found in either July 1979 or July 1981, meant that many stations were not visible and this, coupled with the concentration on other sur- vey work, only enabled a small part of the margin to be surveyed, with too few observations of ice altitudes to allow for a recontouring of the ice surface. Neverthe- less, the survey does show that Gljúfurárjökull has continued to advance since 1981, extending some 25 m further down valley (Fig. 1). The rate of advance has slowed and between 1981 and 1983 was only 12.5 m/yr, compared with up to 25 m/yr between 1977 and 1979, and 15 m/yr between 1979 and 1981. A search for stations previously set up on the ice was hampered by thick snow but at least one station was no longer in place, remains of a cairn being found in the crevassed area of the western margin of the glacier. Of the remain- ing stations, station IV in the middle of the glacier was probably quite deeply buried and III was located but could not be accurately surveyed from the available stations. MORAINE CHRONOLOGY Using a iichen curve derived from abandoned farm- steads in Skíðadalur, Caseldine (1983) has presented a chronology for the post-Little Ice Age pattern of JÖKULL 35. ÁR 61
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