Jökull - 01.12.1985, Page 64
V Exeter University Stations
A B.S.E.S. Stations 1977
V Sawtry Village College Markers
+ Leeds University Markers
All heights are expressed in metres
andw. re surveyed in 1979 (off the ice) and 1981 (on the ice)
lce Margin 1983
— lce Margin 1981
— lce Margin 1979
— lce Margin 1977
— lce Margin 1946
— Moraine Ridges (see 1979
map for numbers)
— River (position not
eziD 'Burst' feature
(surveyed 1983)
o 'Permanent' lichen sites
□ Schmidt hammer sites
1977 map and have been modified using 1979 6 1981 surveyed heights
The outer grid is also derived from the 1977 map
p rvnt irp
surface heights but refer to the station bench marks
lce conto urs are based on ice surface heights
N 1
0 100 200 ETRES
artv: Dr.CJ. Cawldin*. K. Ahe n, A. Green,
J' ide. B. Mayea. H. Pardoe, P. Wookoy. July 1983
deglaciation in Gljúfurárdalur. On the basis of this form
of dating retreat from the most recent maximum extent
of the glacier, represented by the well defined, arccuate
end moraine, was placed as beginning in the last decade
of the glacier, represented by the well defined, arcuate
moraine was thought to mark the Neoglacial maximum
of the glacier and this has now been confirmed inde-
pendently by tephrochronological examination of peats
further down valley outside the moraine (Miiller 1984).
Fig. 1. Map of Gljúfurárjökull showing
marginal changes since 1977.
1. mynd. Breytingar við sporð
Gljúfurárjökuls frá 1977.
The use of measurements of rock weathering inside
and outside glacier forelands can provide a further test
of relative age as demonstrated in other glacial environ-
ments (Matthews and Shakesby 1984) and a limited
examination of weathering was used in 1983 in Gljúfur-
árdalur. Surfaces of boulders found within various
moraine ridges and outside the foreland were tested for
weathering using a Schmidt hammer (Goudie 1981) and
the results are presented in Fig. 2. At each site a áample
62 JÖKULL 35. ÁR