
Jökull - 01.12.1985, Side 65

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Side 65
of 50 boulders was used. Three readings were taken on each boulder, these were then averaged and an overall value for the site calculated using the 50 average read- ings. As expected there is no significant difference in weathering between sites on the foreland, a maximum of 90-100 years usually being insufficient for noticeable disparities in weathering to be recognised but outside the foreland on surfaces probably deglaciated around 9000—10000 years ago the amount of weathering increases. Whilst the difference in weathering is not quite of the same order as that identified in southern Norway (Matthews and Shakesby 1984), possibly due to the small sample of sites and differences in geology, the overall pattern of weathering is similar, with lower mean values with increasing distance from the glacier, but some degree of overlap taking into account values for ±1 standard deviation from the mean. During the course of the 1981 survey a further ridge was identified on the western side of the valley lying immediately outside the very extensive and complete ridge system identified as the Little Ice Age, late 19th century, terminus. It also lay well inside the peats examined tephrochronologically by Miiller (see above) and could therefore only date from sometime within the Neoglacial period. This outermost feature was cut by debris flows, unlike the other extensive ridge system, and had no obvious counterpart on the eastern side of the valley. Morphologically however it was no different from the ridges mapped as moraines and it had a similar vegetation and soil cover to the outermost mapped moraine. In terms of the weathering of boulders in the ridge the results were not statistically separable from those of the outer ridge system, although the mean was slightly lower. Measurement of lichens on the ridge following the procedures of Caseldine (1983), utilising a search area of 200 sq. m. on its proximal slope, pro- duced a date of between 1898-1901, again virtually indistinguishable from the other ridge. There is there- fore no direct evidence to place this ridge any earlier than the end of the Little Ice Age. It presumably marks a slightly more extensive position than the better developed feature previously identified as marking the maximum, either a position at which the glaciers did not remain sufficiently long to deposit a more extensive moraine system, or the remnant of a more extensive ridge subsequently destroyed by meltwater or debris flow activity. LICHENOMETRY The growth rate for the lichen Rhizocarpon geo- graphicum agg. used in all the previous lichenometric 'Schmidt' readings - Gljúfurárdalur 60- 55- 50- 45- 1 40- 35- L1 R8 R10 R36 Outer Outside Fig. 2. ”Schmidt“ hammer readings for Gljúfurárdalur (the scale is related to, but not equivalent to, the coefficient of restitution R determined by the distance the hammer rebounds from the rock surface). — 2. mynd. Lausleg könnun á veðrun bergs í Gljúfurár- dal. work had been established from a small number of dated surfaces in Skíðadalur and caution was expressed over the use of the growth curve and its applicability in Gljúfurárdalur. In the absence of other dated surfaces a long term evaluation of the accuracy of the growth rate was begun in 1983 by setting up a number of permanent direct measurement lichen sites. On three ridges (Fig. 1) thalli were accurately measured along defined longest axes and also at 90° to the longest axis. Each lichen was given a number painted on the boulder together with a line marking the axes of measurement. In all, 25 thalli were measured, 15 on the outer moraine (Gl-15), 5 inside the moraine (G16—20) and a further 5 near EUB (G21— 25), selecting a range of sizes at each site but concentrating on the largest lichens. These measure- ments, as made in July 1983, are given in Table 1. In an environment such as Northern Iceland with suggested growth rates for largest lichens of 57 mm/100 yrs (shortest axis i.e. diameter of largest inscribed circle) (Caseldine, 1983) it will be necessary for continued observation up to at least 5 years and preferably longer to establish the accuracy of the previously derived growth rates, as annual observations will be very susceptible to inaccur- acies in the measurement technique. JÖKULL 35. ÁR 63
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