
Jökull - 01.12.1985, Side 69

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Side 69
Plate 3. Partial bedding of material in main ridge near GLJ4. — Snið í jarðvegi nærri staðnum GLJ4. will however be instructive to resurvey the area affected by the burst within the next two to three years to see how long traces of such transient yet quite effective processes, in terms of the amount of material moved, actually last. CONCLUSION The studies undertaken in 1983 have continued those started in 1979, examining both the present and past status of Gljúfurárjökull. They have confirmed that while still advancing the rate of forward movement of the glacier is slowing and it seems possible that in the next few years the glacier may become virtually station- ary. It has also been possible to improve our under- standing of the pattern of variations in the position of the glacier over the last 100 years and to confirm the Little Ice Age date of the outermost moraine. Not only is Gljúfurárjökull extremely valuable for the study of past glacier variations but it is also still extremely active geomorphologically as witnessed by the formation of features associated with the burst, features which may perhaps often occur in such environments but which are rarely examined in detail due to their rapid removal by other processes of the glacier margin environment. ACKN O WLED GEMENTS The work undertaken in 1983 was carried out by members of the Exeter University North Iceland Expe- dition — Kate Ahern, Adrian Green, Jane Hide, Bridget Mayes, Heather Pardoe and Philip Wookey. The Expe- dition was supported by generous grants from the Royal Geographical Society, William Cadbury Trust and the University of Exeter Myrtle Murray Award. We are extremely grateful to the help received locally from Hjört- ur Thorarinsson at Tjörn and also from Thóroddur Thóroddsson and Helgi Hallgrímsson at the Natural History Museum, Akureyri. The figures were all drawn by Terry Bacon and photographed by Andrew Teed in the Department of Geography at Exeter. ÁGRIP LANDMÆLINGAR VIÐ GLJÚFURÁR- JÖKUL OG ATHUGANIR TENGDAR JÖKULHLAUPI C.J. Caseldine, Exeterháskóla Landmælingar sýna að sporður Gljúfurárjökuls gekk fram um 25 m frá 1981 til 1983. Höfundur telur að jökulhlaup hafi fallið frá jöklinum um veturinn 1982- 83. Plate 4. Lower section of deposit below site C showing main ridge and spread of finer material. - Neðri hluti hlaupsets neðan við staðinn C. JÖKULL 35. ÁR 67
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