Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 70
Cumulative % Finer
TABLE 2. Mean sizes of largest clasts at sites along deposit (in mm ± 1 standard deviation, n=10 at each site)
TAFLA 2. Meðalstœrð stœrstu bergmola í hlaupinu.
Distance from gully Size Distance from gully Size
source (m) source (m)
10 (GLJ2&3) 39.2F5.35 150 (Nr. GLJ4) 14.0±2.31
22.5 33.0±12.97 170 17.7±5.11
52.5 21.8±3.71 205 18.7±2.21
70 12.9±2.4 240 (GLJ5) 12.0±2.83
77.5 15.4±5.6 260 17.0±2.40
82.5 19.3±2.8 275 12.8±1.23
110 18.9±2.88 285 11.0±1.05
120 16.4±3.69 290 14.6±1.17
Fig. 4. Particle size curves for samples from the deposit
compared with earlier samples taken from the till in
Gljúfurárdalur. — 4. mynd. Kornastœrðardreifing sets í
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Accepted 20th June 1984.
68 JÖKULL 35. ÁR