Orð og tunga - 01.06.2005, Síða 53

Orð og tunga - 01.06.2005, Síða 53
Christopher Sanders: Bilingual Dictionaries of Icelandic 51 could never be aids to production; this information would not for ex- ample tell an Icelander how to produce an equivalent for satnhugur, which is not in the dictionary. In other contexts in Iðunn 1989, typic- ally where the first element was a full lexical item, and not a prefix, no special attention was drawn to the fact that the element was also pro- ductive in producing compounds, thus (an acute example) the noun bragð is given in its two basic senses of 'prettur' ('trick') and ‘smekkur’ ('taste'), as well as a third 'útlit’ ('look, appearance'); there are two compounds that are headwords, bragðgóður and bragðlaukur, but there is no help whatsoever with what are probably quite frequent words such as bragðmikill and bragðsterkur; they are simply not included (and there is no separate entry for bragð- as the first element in a com- pound); there is, in other words, an acute need for more compounds here, and this is before we have even begun to consider "L2/passive" needs. 3.1.2 Compounds and "transparent words" for the English speaker producing his/her own text Compound words that are completely transparent in meaning should nonetheless ideally be incorporated in a medium-sized bifunctional dictionary because of the needs of the English-language user who wishes to produce Icelandic:5 there are words he has heard someone use, but he doesn't remember the pronunciation correctly, so how are they to be spelled? An example would be ástarhaturs-samband ('love- hate relationship'). Here the uncertain foreigner wants to know wheth- er the word really exists - that he or she is not in other words, as a foreigner, in danger of being the first to create the word. It is slightly different with the next two examples, amfetamín, heróín, where the dif- ficulty could be more with exact spelling and declension - is there, for example, an accent over the o or over the /? Given that we are including in this discussion of the "passive" function the free production of an Icelandic text by a foreigner, there is also a need to include more in the way of alternative forms of what is essentially one and the same word - it may be possible to formu- 5Traditionally it would be argued that for this type of information the foreign user must be expected to consult a monolingual dictionary, but the requirement is deliber- ately upheld here to gain a full overall picture of what could be wanted or expected.
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