Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.05.2001, Blaðsíða 61

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.05.2001, Blaðsíða 61
Ráðstefnur Nánari upplýsingar um ráðstefnurnar er að fá á skrifstofu Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga, Suðurlandsbraut 22, sími 540 6400 Tules - Reuma 2001 Mánsklighet och teknologi Den VIII Nordiska tvárfackliga reumakongressen Helsinki, Finnlandi 9.-12. maí 2001 Heimasíða: www.congrex.fi/reuma2001 Perspectives in Health Care Administration Theory, Research and Practice Tampere, Finnlandi 24.-26. maí 2001 Netfang: nuturi@uta.fi Nordic Congress of Gastroenterology. The annual Endoscopy/gastroenterology nurses'/assistant' meeting. Reykjavík, ísland 9. -11. júní 2001 Vefsíða: www.gastro.is Nánari upplýsingar í síma 5541400 Vefsíða: www.iii.is Safety Research Tampere, Finnlandi 10. -15. júní 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org ICN 22nd Quadrennial Congresss Nursing: A New Era for Action Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku 10. -15. júní 2001 Netfang: icn@discongress.com Bullying and Harassment at Work Álandseyjum, Finnlandi 11. -15. júní 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org QHR 2001- The Seventh Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference Ewha Women’s University Seúl, Kóreu 26.-29. júní 2001 Netfang: QHR2001@mm.ewha.ac.kr RCN Ophthalmic nursing: Differing practices - a cultural experience York, Bretlandi 6. júlí -8. júlí 2001 Netfang: ophthalmic@rcn.org.uk Child Health Promotion 21 Jelling, Danmörku 23.-27. júlí 2001 Heimasíða: www.schoolnurses.org Introduction to Occupational Epidemiology Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku 21. -25. ágúst 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org 10. norræna geðhjúkrunarráðstefnan Fjölskyldan - tækifæri eða hindranir Þórshöfn, Færeyjum 29. ágúst - 1. september 2001 Netfang: vin@redcross.is World Conference on Surgical Patient Care Christchurch, Nýja - Sjálandi 2.-7. september 2001 Netfang: rsvns@swvnz.co.nz RCN Society of Orthopaedic Nursing International Conference “crossing the boundaries” Belfast, írlandi 6.-9. september 2001 Netfang: jane.edey@rcn.org.uk Occupational Dermatology Kuusamo, Finnlandi 11. -16. september 2001 Heimasíða: ww.niva.org 8th World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses Congress Sydney, Ástralíu 16.-20. september 2001 Netfang: wfnn@icmsaust.com.au EDTNA/ERCA 30th International Conference Patient-centred care: The growing challenge Nice, Frakklandi 22. -25. september 2001 Netfang: EDTNA_ERCA@compuserve.com Occupational Exposure Limits - Approaches and Criteria Uppsölum, Svíþjóð 23. -28. september 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org 2nd European Doctoral Conference in Nursing Science Maastricht, Hollandi 12. -13. október 2001 Heimasíða: www.zw.unimaas.nl/edcns2001 Netfang: n.dejong@zw.unimaas.nl Molecular Toxicology - Molecular Epidemiology Tallinn, Eistlandi 14.-19. október 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org Intervention Projects in the Health Care Sector Gautaborg, Svíþjóð 21.-25. október 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org Risk Assessment as a Basis for the Selection of Personal Protective Equipment Riga, Lettlandi 28. október - 2.nóvember 2001 Heimasíða: www.niva.org 4th Bienniai International Nursing and Midwifery Conference: Contesting Conversations in Practice, Education, Research and Policy Adelaide, Suður- Ástralíu 4.-7. nóvember 2001 Heimasíða: www.sapmea.asn.au/Conventions/CCE RP/ccerp.htm ECNA 2001 European Conference for Nurses in Aids care The art of nursing and the art of culture merging together Rotterdam, Hollandi 8.-11. nóvember 2001 Netfang: n .langebeek@rijnstate.nl „In sickness and in health: ethics, power, practice” Melbourne, Ástralíu 16. og 17. júlí 2002 Heimasíða: www.conferences.unimelb.edu.au/ 11th Biennial Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers (WENR) Genf, Sviss 2.-4. september 2002 Netfang: kongress.sbk@bluewin.ch 7th EANN Congress 2003 Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku dagsetning ekki ákveðin. ICN 23rd Quadrennial Congress 2005 in Taipei Taipei, Taiwan Heimasíða: www.twnna.org.tw
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