Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1977, Side 47

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1977, Side 47
THB INOCULATION OF WHITE CLOVER 45 TABLE 6. MEAN DRY WEIGHT OF PLANTS IN EXPERIMENT 2. Varieties Bacterial inoculation Lime treatments Lime High lime pellets dressing No lime Means 75 (England) 11.3 10.9 7.7 9.97 83 (Sweden) 20.6 7.6 11.9 13.37 S184 33 (Iceland) 13.1 13.4 9.3 11.93 38 (Iceland) 9.0 13.4 12.0 11.47 No inoculation 15.3 8.8 12.6 12.23 Means 13.86 10.82 10.70 No significant difference No significant 75 (England) 12.0 9.5 15.1 12.20 difference 83 (Sweden) 11.6 8.5 11.7 10.60 Pajbjerg 33 (Iceland) 10.0 11.0 13.9 11.63 smalbladet 38 (Iceland) 11.2 10.4 9.4 10.33 No inoculation 8.3 12.1 13.6 11.33 Means 10.62 10.30 12.74 No significant difference DISCUSSION. to be best suited for use as inocula at low temperatures (Table 2). This paper outlines the results of a prelimin- Rhizobium strains, which are highly eff- ary study of natural populations of Rhizob- ective under laboratory conditions, may often ium trifolii in Iceland where improved ino- not be so when tested in the field. Similarly, culants ought to be of benefit. Good evid- variation may be seen in some symbiotic ence of the adaption of Rhizobium strains from sub-arctic countries to low temperatures were found. Similar adaptation had previously been reported by Ek-Jander and Fáhraeus (1971) after comparing isolates of Rhizobi- um trifolii from northern Scandinavia with strains from southern Scandinavia. They found the northern strains grew faster, nodu- lated their host plants somewhat earlier and showed a more vigorous acetylene reduction than the southern strains when incubated at 10 °C. It is therefore of considerable practical importance when white clover crops are to be cultivated in a cold environ- ment to use a Rhizobium inoculant adapted to those conditions. When both effectiveness and time of nodulation are looked at together strains 83 from Sweden, 33 and 38 from Iceland seem associations when exposed to environmental stress that seem to be equal under optimal conditions (Pate, 1961). It has even been found that certain acid tolerant Rhizobium strains may be relatively poor when tested under optimal PH conditions, but better than the other strains when tested under subopti- mal pH conditions (Lie, 1974). A similar interaction, although not significant, was observed in the present investigation, for strain 26. The results of Experiment 2 clearly show the importance of inoculation with Rhizobi- um bacteria on nodulation. Indigenous bact- eria were found to be in a low number in the experimental plots, when estimated by the M. P. N.-method and by comparing the numbers of nodules in the uninoculated and inoculated plots.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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