Gátt - 2014, Blaðsíða 16

Gátt - 2014, Blaðsíða 16
16 F R Æ Ð S L U M I Ð S T Ö Ð A T V I N N U L Í F S I N S g á t t – á r s r i t – 2 0 1 4 H e I M I L d A S K R Á Ari Klængur Jónsson. (2013). Tölfræðilegar upplýsingar um erlenda ríkisborg- ara og innflytjendur á Íslandi. Fjölmenningarsetur. Hagstofa Íslands. Hagtíðindi. (2009). Sótt 10. desember 2013 af http://www. statice.is/lisalib/getfile.aspx?ItemID=9077 Hagstofa Íslands. Mannfjöldi eftir kyni, aldri og sveitarfélögum 1998-2013 – Sveitarfélagaskipan hvers árs. Sótt 2. desember 2013 af http://www. hagstofa.is/Pages/624 Sigurður Jóhannesson, Sigurður Árnason og Snorri Björn Sigurðsson. (2013). Hagvöxtur landshluta 2007-2011. Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands og Þróunarsvið Byggðastofnunar. U M H Ö F U N d I N N Geirlaug Jóhannsdóttir starfar við Háskólann á Bifröst sem verkefnastjóri tilraunaverkefnis um hækkað mennt- unarstig í Norðvesturkjördæmi. Hún hefur lokið BS-gráðu í rekstrarfræðum frá Samvinnuháskólanum á Bifröst og MBA- gráðu með áherslu á mannauðsstjórnun frá Háskólanum í Reykjavík. Hún var fræðslustjóri Alcan á Íslandi 2009–2004 og forstöðumaður símenntunar við Háskólann á Bifröst 2005–2013. Þar hafði hún meðal annars umsjón með náms- brautunum Diplómanám í verslunarstjórnun, Máttur kvenna, Sterkari stjórnsýsla og Stjórnun og samvinna í ferðaþjónustu. Geirlaug sinnir einnig kennslu á framhaldsskóla- og háskóla- stigi. A b S T R A C T A pilot project on raising the level of education in the North- west Constituency was launched in June 2013 with the sign- ing of an agreement between the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Bifröst University which is in charge of the implementation of the project. The project is a part of a programme aimed at raising the educational level in Icelandic economy and is funded by the government and stakeholders on the labour market. An equivalent project is being carried out in Breiðholt in Reykjavík, both under the heading Education now. During the summer 2013, about eight hundred manag- ers and employees of firms and institutions in the constitu- ency were interviewed in order to analyse the educational requirements of people in the local labour market. At the same time, questionnaires were submitted to both managers of firms and institutions and also to a sample drawn from the national registry. Based on the findings of the interview research and surveys, recommendations were formulated for how to increase education in the constituency; these are now being implemented in collaboration with various partners. The main objectives are to enhance counselling to firms regarding workplace learning, increase cooperation of the economy and education providers in the constituency on vocational education, increase the number of individu- als who complete their apprenticeship, and to enhance the knowledge of Icelandic among immigrants in the constitu- ency.
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