Læknaneminn - 01.10.2002, Page 19

Læknaneminn - 01.10.2002, Page 19
að gera frekari rannsóknir þar sem mismunagreining- ar eru fáar og frekari rannsóknir á vökvanum bæta litlu við. Ef vökvinn er vilsa og greining hefur ekki fengist ætti að gera lokaða fleiðrusýnatöku eða fleiðruspeglun (mynd 7). Fleiðruspeglun lungnalækna er ekki almenn hér á landi en ef svo verður má vel liugsa sér að hún muni að hluta koma í stað lokaðrar fleiðrusýnatöku. Lokaorð Vökvasöfnun í fleiðruhol er algengt klínískt vandamál sem tengist mörgum sérgreinum læknisfræðinnar og því nauðsynlegt fyrir alla lækna að þekkja nokkuð urn fleiðruna, vökvasöfnun í fleiðruhol og greiningarað- ferðir. Heimildir 1. Light RW. Pleural Effusion. N Engl J Med 2002;346(25): 1971 - 1977. 2. Guðmundsson G, Jónsson MS. Fleiðruholsvökvi: Rannsókn á níutíu og sex sjúklingum á Borgarspítala. Læknablaðið 1992;78:357-361. 3. Light RW. Pleural diseases. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001. 4. Broaddus VC, Araya M, Carlton DP, Bland RD. Developnrental changes in pleural liquid protein concentration in sheep. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991; 143( 1 ):38-41. 5. Wang NS. The preformed stomas connecting the pleural cavity and the lymphatics in the parietal pleura. Am Rev Respir Dis 1975; 111(1): 12-20. 6. Wiener-Kronish JP, Matthay MA, Callen PW, Filly RA, Gamsu G, Staub NC. Relationship of pleural effusions to pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with congestive heart failure. Anr Rev Respir Dis 1985; 132(6): 1253-6. 7. Sahn SA. State of the art. The pleura. Am Rev Respir Dis 1988; 138( 1): 184-234. 8. Light RW, Macgregor MI, Luchsinger PC, Ball WC, Jr. Pleural effusions: the diagnostic separation of transudates and exudates. Ann Intern Med 1972;77(4):507-13. 9. Johnston WW. The malignant pleural effusion. A review of cytopathologic diagnoses of 584 specimens from 472 consecutive patients. Cancer 1985;56(4):905-9. 10. Chernow B, Sahn SA. Carcinomatous involvem- ent of the pleura: an analysis of 96 patients. Am J Med 1977;63(5):695-702. 11. Sahn SA. Malignant pleural effusions. Semin Respir Med 1987;9:43-53. 12. Fracchia AA, Knapper WH, Carey JT, Farrow JH. Intrapleural chenrotherapy for effusion from metastatic breast carcinonra. Cancer 1970;26(3):626- 9. 13. Romero S, Candela A, Martin C, Hernandez L, Trigo C, Gil J. Evaluation of different criteria for the separation of pleural transudates from exudates. Chest 1993; 104(2):399-404. 14. Bartter T, Santarelli R, Akers SM, Pratter MR. The evaluation of pleural effusion. Chest 1994; 106(4): 1209-14. 15. Light RW, Erozan YS, Ball WC, Jr. Cells in pleural fluid. Their value in differential diagnosis. Arch Intern Med 1973; 132(6):854-60. 16. Yam LT. Diagnostic significance of lymphocyt- es in pleural effusions. Ann Intern Med 1967;66(5):972-82. 17. Nance KV, Shermer RW, Askin FB. Diagnostic efficacy of pleural biopsy as compared with that of pleural fluid examination. Mod Pathol 1991 ;4(3):320- 4. 18. Prakash UB, Reiman HM. Comparison of needle biopsy with cytologic analysis for the evalu- ation of pleural effusion: analysis of 414 cases. Mayo Clin Proc 1985;60(3): 158-64. 19. Escudero Bueno C, Garcia Clemente M, Cuesta Castro B, Molinos Martin L, Rodriguez Ramos S, Gonzalez Panizo A, et al. Cytologic and bacteriologic analysis of fluid and pleural biopsy specimens with Cope’s needle. Study of414 patients. Arch Intern Mcd 1990; 150(6): 1190-4. 20. Jarvi OH, Kunnas RJ, Laitio MT, Tyrkko JE. The accuracy and significance of cytologic cancer di- agnosis of pleural effusions. (A followup study of 338 patients). Acta Cytol 1972; 16(2): 152-8. 21. Melanred M. The cytological presentation of malignant lymphomas and related diseases in effusions. Cancer 1963; 16:413 -431. 22. Abrams L. New inventions: a pleural biopsy punch. Lancet 1958; 1:30 - 31. 23. Hirsch A, Ruffie P, Nebut M, Bignon J, Chretien .1. Pleural effusion: laboratory tests in 300 cases. Thorax 1979;34( 1)406-12. 24. Poe RH, Israel RH, Utell MJ, Hall WJ, Green- blatt DW, Kallay MC. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of closed pleural biopsy. Arch Intern Med 1984; 144(2):325-8. 25. Scerbo .1, Keltz H, Stone DJ. A prospective stu- dy of closed pleural biopsies. Jama 1971;218(3):377- 80. 26. Frist B, Kahan AV, Koss LG. Comparison of the 17



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