Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1953, Side 82

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1953, Side 82
86 SUMMARY An Old Icelandic Lathe. The picture on p. 82 shows a model of a lathe of a type which is known to have been in use in the Westfjords in Iceland as late as the beginning of the twentieth century but has now disappeared altogether, the model having been made by an old man who owned the last specimen of this type of lathe. It is a primitive arrangement, whose distinguishing feature is that the artifact being made is turned by hand with a string wrapped around a wooden axle, not by a wheel turned by a treadle. In former days, and even into the ninetcenth century, farmers in the Westfjords used to produce from driftwood turned cups, plates, dishes and bowls for sale in other parts of the country. Probably this industry has ancient tradi- tions, the product being í'eminiscent of the turned w'ooden household ar- ticles from mediaeval Greenland, from the Viking Age (Oseberg, Haithabu) and from the Celtic Iron Age (Hjortspring). The present model may thus possibly be the last descendant of a primitive lathe which through long ages was common among all Nordic peoples.


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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