

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2008, Qupperneq 58

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2008, Qupperneq 58
Náttúrufræðingurinn The aim is to develop a farming con- cept for a full-scale production in close co-operation with a commercial wolffish farmer (Hlýri ehf, Neskaupstaður, East Iceland). Two different source popula- tions were investigated by rearing fish from Iceland and Norway and investi- gating differences in primary aquacul- ture characteristics (growth, food con- version efficiency, protein synthesis and survival) followed by a more detailed study of production characteristics in the Iceland population. The Icelandic group was found to have more favourable pro- duction characteristics compared to fish from Norway. The Icelandic group has optimal temperature for growth and food conversion between 6-8°C which makes this an excellent species for cul- ture in Iceland. An important relation- ship between enzyme activity, mRNA myosin expression and growth in the Icelandic fish has been found that will help to identify best offspring groups for aquaculture purposes. Spotted wolffish can be reared at high densities and in shallow raceways. Rearing in shallow raceways is preferable as growth and feed conversion efficiency in spotted wolffish culture can be improved in such systems. The population genetics of this spe- cies was totally unknown so it was found useful to investigate the character- istics of two different source populations. Several methods were tested, including haemoglobin, allozymes, RFLP and DNA microsatellites. The most promising markers were found to be allozymes and RFLP mtDNA markers. The results show high level of geographic population structure between the westem Atlantic, middle and eastern Atlantic and Baltic Sea, and thus the findings may be useful in devising overall management and conservation strategies for the species. Cryopreservation of sperm is a proc- ess where sperm is mixed with extender and cryoprotectant designed to dehy- drate the cells up to the point so that ice crystals do not form with subsequent cell mpture as the cells freeze. The spe- cial characteristics of the spotted wolff- ish sperm add to the necessity of species specific adaptations of freezing methods. Preliminary trials show that it is feasible to use cryopreservation of sperm to ensure a year-round availability of milt. ÞAKKJR Rannsóknir á eldiseiginleikum hlýra hafa verið styrktar af Rannís, AVS rannsóknasjóðnum og af NORA (Norræna Atlantssamstarfinu) og er þessum aðilum þakkaður veittur stuðningur. Sindri Sigurðsson hefur verið vakinn og sofinn yfir velferð hlýrans í mörg ár og eru honum færðar bestu þakkir fyrir eldmóð og áhuga. HEIMILDIR 1. Gunnar Jónsson 1992. íslenskir fiskar. Fjölvaútgáfan, Reykjavík. 568 bls. 2. Foss, A., Albert K. Imsland, Falk-Petersen, I.B. & Oiestad, V. 2004. A review of the culture potential of spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor Olafsen. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 14. 277-294. 3. Ostvedt, O.J. 1963. On the life history of the spotted catfish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen). Fiskeridirektoratets Skrifter Serie Havundersokelser 13. 54-72. 4. Karl Gunnarsson, Gunnar Jónsson & Ólafur Karvel Pálsson 1998. Sjávamytjar við ísland. Mál og menning. 282 bls. 5. Falk-Petersen, I.B., Hansen, T.K., Fieler, R. & Sunde, L.M. 1999. Cultivation of the spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor (Olafsen) - a new candidate for cold-water fish farming. Aquaculture Research 30. 711-718. 6. Barsukov, V.V. 1986. Anarhichadidae. í: Fishes of the North-eastem Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 3. (ritstj. Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M. -L., Hureau, J.-C., Nielsen, J. & Tortonese, E.). UNESCO, Paris. Bls. 1113-1116. 7. Templeman, W. 1986. Contribution to the Biology of the Spotted Wolffish (Anarhichas minor) in the Northwest Atlantic. Joumal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science 7. 47-55. 8. Shevelev, M.S. 1988. Ontogenetic stages in spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen) from the Barents Sea. ICES CM/ G31.12 bls. 9. Kime, D.E. & Tveiten, H. 2002. Unusual motility characteristics of sperm of spotted wolffish. Joumal of Fish Biology 61. 1549-1559. 10. Hansen, T.K. & Falk-Petersen, I.B. 2001. The influence of rearing temperature on early development and growth of spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor (Olafsen). Aquaculture Research 32. 369-378. 11. Barsukov, V.V. 1959. The Wolffish (Anarhichadidae). Fauna SSR Moscow N. S. 73 (þýtt af Smithsonian Institute 1972). NTIS, Springfield, VA, USA. 12. Shevelev, M.S. 1994. Migration pattem of spotted catfish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen) in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. ICES CM/0:9. 13. Albert K. Imsland, Foss, A., Sparboe, L.O. & Sindri Sigurðsson 2006. The effect of temperature and fish size on growth and feed efficiency ratio of juvenile spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor. Joumal of Fish Biology 68. 1107-1122. 14. Moksness, E. 1994. Growth rates of the common wolffish, Anarhichas lupus L., and spotted wolffish, A. minor Olafsen, in captivity. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25. 363-371. 15. Steinsland, K. 2006. Population genetic study of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) in the North-Atlantic waters. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway. 16. Albert K. Imsland, Le Frangois, N.R., Lamarre, S.G., Ditlecadet, D., Sindri Sigurðsson & Foss, A. 2006. Myosin expression levels and enzyme activity in juvenile spotted wolffish muscle: a method for monitoring growth rates. Canadian Joumal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63. 1959-1967. 17. Albert K. Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson, Foss, A., Sparboe, L.O., Oiestad, V. & Sindri Sigurðsson 2007. Comparison of juvenile spotted wolffish, Anarhichas minor, growth in shallow raceways and circular tanks. Joumal of the World Aquaculture Society 38.154-160. 18. Mortensen, A., Toften, H. & Aas, K. 2007. Cage culture of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen). Aquaculture 264. 475-^478. UM HÖFUNDANA Albert Kjartansson Imsland (f. 1965) lauk cand.mag.- prófi í líffræði frá Háskólanum í Bergen árið 1991, meist- araprófi í eldi sjávarfiska árið 1993 og doktorsprófi í sömu grein árið 1997 frá sama háskóla. Þaðan lauk hann síðan einnig meistaraprófi í líftölfræði árið 2001. Albert hefur stundað eldisrannsóknir á kaldsjávartegundum og skoðað sérstaklega áhrif umhverfis og erfða á vöxt og kynþroska hjá hlýra, lúðu, sandhverfu, sólflúm og þorski. Hann starfar sem rannsóknastjóri fiskeldis hjá Akvaplan-niva og sem prófessor í fiskeldi við Háskólann í Bergen. Snorri Gunnarsson (f. 1968) lauk BS-prófi í líffræði frá Háskóla íslands árið 1993 og kandídatsprófi í eldi sjáv- arfiska 2001 frá Háskólanum í Bergen. Hann hefur unnið við eldisrannsóknir frá 1995, fyrst hjá Stofnfiski hf. og frá 2004 hjá Akvaplan-niva á íslandi. PÓST- OG NETFÖNG HÖFUNDA/AUTHORS’ADDRESSES Albert Imsland albert.imsland@akvaplan.niva.no Snorri Gunnarsson snorri.gunnarsson@akvaplan.niva.no Akvaplan-niva á íslandi Akralind 4 IS-201 Kópavogur 138
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