

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1998, Side 15

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1998, Side 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 833 Valmiltistökur á Landspítalanum 1985-1994 Skúli Gunnlaugsson1’, Guðmundur M. Jóhannesson21, Jónas Magnússon1'3’ Gunnlaugsson S, Jóhannesson GM, Magnússon J Elective splenectomies in Landspítalinn 1985-1994 Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 833-7 Objective: Splenectomy following trauma is well known and the consequences have been investigated thoroughly. Several splenic diseases are treated by simple splenectomy. Furthermore, it may be neces- sary to do a splenectomy in case of intraoperative splenic trauma. The aim of this study was to investi- gate the indications for splenectomy in these two groups of patients and to estimate the longterm re- sults. Material and methods: We analysed all medical files of patients without history of splenic trauma but who nevertheless underwent splenectomy. We noted clinical features, laboratory findings, complications of the operation, volume of bloodloss and longterm results regarding the primary diagnosis. Results: In 1985-1994, 93 patients had splenectomy at the former noted occasions. We found medical files for 89 patients. Of them, 36 had disease of the spleen or diseases associated with it (group A) but 53 had no splenic disease (group B). In group A, a great variety of diseases led to splenectomies, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura being in the ftrst place (28%) and non Hodgkin's lymphoma in the second place (12%). In group B the most common operation was a gastrectomy due to gastric cancer (30%) but in second place was an operation of the pancreas in connection with pancreas cancer (13%). The most common clinical indications for splenectomy in group A were thrombocytopenia (34%) and abdomi- Frá "handlækningadeild Landspítalans, 2|blóðfræöideild Landspítalans, 3llæknadeild Háskóla íslands. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Jónas Magnússon, handlækningadeild Land- spítalans. Sími: 560 1330, netfang: jonas@rsp.is Lykilorð: miltistökur, blóðsjúkdómar, miltisstækkanir, skuröáföll. nal pain because of an enlarged spleen (23%). Intra- operative trauma (49%) of the spleen was the most common indication in group B. Before the operation, 13 patients got glucocorticoid steroids, nine patients received blood transfusions, and six patients got immunoglobulins, all in group A. There was less bloodloss and therefore a lower need for tranfusions in group A. Longterm results in group A, regarding primary disease, were good in 24 patients (67%), tolerable in three (8%), poor in four (11 %) but uncer- tain in five (14%). Perioperative or postopertive complications were minimal. Often the results of splenectomies are good in patients with splenic dis- eases and these operations are quite safe. Conclusions: Longterm results are strongly connec- ted with the underlying disease. With greater atten- tion and care we suppose the incidence of splenec- tomies could be lowered in patients without splenic disease. Key words: spienectomies, hematoiogicai diseases, splenomegaly, perioperative complications. Ágrip Tilgangur: Miltistökur í kjölfar slysa eru vel þekktar og afleiðingar þeirra vel rannsakaðar. Ýmsir sjúkdómar sem tengjast milta eru lækn- aðir með einfaldri miltistöku. Ennfremur getur reynst nauðsynlegt að fjarlægja miltað vegna aðstæðna og eins ef miltað laskast í aðgerð. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna ábendingar miltistöku hjá þessunt tveimur hóp- um auk þess að kanna langtímaárangur hjá þeim fyrrnefnda. Efniviður og aðferðir: Farið var yfir sjúkra- skrár sjúklinga sem gengist höfðu undir miltis- töku án undangenginnar áverkasögu á milta. Auk ábendinga fyrir aðgerð voru skráð klínísk einkenni, meðferð fyrir aðgerð, fylgikvillar að- gerða, blóðtap og langtímaárangur metinn með tilliti til upprunalegs sjúkdóms. Niðurstöður: Á árunum 1985-1994 var miltað fjarlægt vegna ofangreinds hjá 93 ein- staklingum. Sjúkraskýrslur fundust fyrir 89



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