Læknablaðið - 15.11.1998, Qupperneq 81
The Scandinavian Society of
Anaestesiologists coordinated training
program in intensive care medicine
Call for papers
The Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiologists coordinates an advanced Inter-Nordic
training program in intensive care medicine. The number of participants is limited to 25
trainees: two from lceland, five from Denmark, five from Norway, five from Finland, eight
from Sweden. The training period is two years, starting on March 1st, 1999. During the
training period the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiologists organises six courses.
These courses will circulate in all the Nordic countries and the common language will be
English. The training program includes an exchange program with a clinic in another Nordic
country. During the two-year period the trainee will be appointed a host clinic. The host clinic
will employ the trainee in an appropriate position during the training program. A minimum of
3/4 of the training should be done in a university clinic. The two-year period will be
terminated by an examination. Applicants must be members of the Scandinavian Society of
Anaesthesiologists and young specialists in anaesthesiology.
Application including documented interest in intensive care medicine and a curriculum vitae
(one original and two copies) should be sent to the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesio-
logists Secretary General Þorsteinn Stefánsson M.D. Ph.D., Landspítalinn University Hos-
pital, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 101 Reykjavík, before January 15th,
Further information may be obtained from the Secretary of the NAF Steering Committee of
the Inter-Nordic training program, Mrs. Anu Laine, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland, fax
+358-17-173443, e-mail: Anu.Laine@kuh.fi
Munið að greiða félagsgjöldin ársins 1998!
Bygland kommune
Setesdal, Noregur
Laus staöa héraöslæknis (kommunelækjar II) á Bygland, 100 km fyrir norðan Kristjánssand.
Einstök aðstaöa til útivistar og veiöa allt áriö. Blómlegt menningarlíf. Ný læknamiöstöö.
Launa- og vinnufyrirkomulag eftir samkomulagi. Fimmskiptar vaktir. Flutningskostnaöur yfir-
leitt endurgreiddur. Góö tækifæri til sérfræðimenntunar í heimilislækningum.
Upplýsingar hjá kommunelækjar I, Viðari K. Toreid (útskrifaöist frá HÍ1974), í síma 00 47
379 35282, N-4684 Bygland, Noregur.
Umsóknarfrestur ertil 20. nóvember næstkomandi.