
Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Blaðsíða 21

Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Blaðsíða 21
Bókasafnið 38. árg. 2014 21 9.1 Frekari rannsóknir Meðal þeirra spurninga sem vakna eru eftirfarandi: Hver hefur þróunin orðið síðastliðin 13 ár á eftirspurn eftir mannafla á bóka­ og skjalasöfnum og hvernig dreif­ ist sá mannafli miðað við aldur og kyn á tegundir þjón­ ustueininga og landfræðilega? Hvaða atriði hafa haft áhrif á breytingar ef einhverjar eru? Eru breytingar á mönnun bókasafna2 og aukin áhersla á menningarmiðlun í almenningsbókasöfnum komnar til vegna breytinga á þörfum þjóðfélagsins við að afla þekkingar og upplýsinga sem var í æ ríkari mæli miðlað rafrænt svo ekki þurfti að fara á bókasafn til þess að nálgast þær? Eða hafði fólk með annars konar há­ skólamenntun en bókasafns­ og upplýsingafræði, sem ráðið var þegar skortur var á bókasafns­ og upplýsinga­ fræðingum á bókasöfnum aðrar áherslur í starfi sem skiluðu sér í breyttri þjónustustefnu, eða á hvort tveggja við? Jafnframt er áhugavert að kanna hvort notkun rit­ aðrar þekkingar og upplýsinga breytist við að notendur velja sjálfir hvað þeir nota en ekki bókasafnsfræðingar, og hvort breytingar ef einhverjar verða dragi úr Matteus­ aráhrifunum svokölluðu? Abstract: From librarianship to information science: The birth of a profession, and its educational needs at the time of writing This article is based on two research projects that form a part of the PhD thesis of the author. The development of library science, later library and information science and presently information science ﴾which, at the time of writing, was to be offered on the MLIS level only﴿ at the University of Iceland is briefly traced. A comparison is made with developments in this area abroad, particularly in the United States of America. Research data and events of importance in that respect are analyzed according to the Ecological­ evolutionary theory ﴾EET﴿, The theory of the system of professions and the Medium theory. The article begins with briefly addressing the effects of the media used for distributing knowledge and information on the working culture. This is followed by a short description of the means of distribution of knowledge and information in Iceland through the ages and its effects on the working culture. The findings of two surveys on the number and kinds of service units and manpower of libraries and records management in Iceland are discussed. The former survey was undertaken in 1989 and the latter was undertaken in 2001. It also included records management. The findings of a research project on the vehicles used for publishing knowledge in Iceland during the latter half of the 20th century ﴾1944, 1969, 1979, 1989 and 2001﴿ are described. The main focus was on analysing the proportion of market publications versus the proportion of grey literature. The proportion of grey literature increased greatly during this time period. It is argued here that increased output of grey literature is linked to changes in the means of sustenance of the nation; that for their work, the workforce depended ever more on written knowledge and information, instead of that kept in memory and distributed orally. These developments have led to greatly increased demand for librarians to undertake organization of items of written knowledge for quick and easy retrieval, be it publications or archival documents. The question of how to plan studies in information science at the University of Iceland at the time of writing is addressed briefly. It is suggested that emphasis should be placed on theories and systems of one of the main work clusters of librarianship, i.e. that of organizing knowledge and information in such a way that retrieval is quick and easy; namely cataloguing, classification and indexing. This should be done in such a way that students acquire abstract knowledge applicable in a wide area of specialities in Icelandic society. In addition emphasis should be placed on co­operation with other subject fields at the University of Iceland in order to be able to educate a workforce capable of working in a wide area of specialities. 1 0 Heimildir A. Breiðdælingr. ﴾1878﴿. Hvað stendr oss Íslendingum helzt fyrir framförum? Skuld, II ﴾32﴿, 373­376. Eskifirði: Jón Ólafsson. Abbott, A. ﴾1988﴿. The system ofprofessions: An essay on the division ofexpert labor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Alfa Kristjánsdóttir. ﴾2008﴿. Bókasafnsfræðingar í hreiðri sagnfræðinga?: Um skjalastjórnun og skjalavörslu. Hugsandi. Sótt 25. janúar 2008 á http://hugsandi.is/articles/bokasafnsfraedingar­i­hreidri­ sagnfraedinga­um­skjalastjornun­og­skjalavoerslu/. Allibone, T. E. ﴾2002﴿. Careers in science information work. Journal of Information Science, 28﴾1﴿, 83­87. Alþingistíðindi 1962. ﴾1967﴿. Umræður um samþykkt lagafrumvörp ﴾dálkur 1183﴿. Reykjavík: Prentsmiðjan Leiftur. Auger, C. P. ﴾1996 ﴾1994﴿﴿. Information sources in grey literature ﴾3. útgáfa﴿. London: Bowker Saur. Ásdís Egilsdóttir. ﴾2000﴿. Upphaf bókmenningar. Í Hjalti Hugason ﴾ritstjóri﴿, Frumkristni og upphafkirkju ﴾1. bindi, bls. 357­359﴿. Reykjavík: Althingi. Beile, P. M. og Adams, M. M. ﴾2000﴿. Other duties as assigned: Emerging trends in the academic library job market. College & Research Libraries, ﴾July﴿, 336­347.
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