
Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Blaðsíða 68

Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Blaðsíða 68
Bókasafnið 38. árg. 2014 68 heim. Nýja stefnan byggir á eldri stefnu fyrir árin 2009- 201 3 og ber sömu yfirskrift. Síðast var áherslan lögð á þjónustu, rafrænar lausnir, söfnun og skipulag stafræns efnis, auk samvinnu. Áfram verður unnið á þeirri braut en einnig lögð áhersla á rannsóknir, nýsköpun og breytingar á því rými sem safnið starfar í. Að þessu sinni eru sett fram 61 stefnumál ti l næstu ára og skiptast þau í átta málaflokka. Til að vinna að þeim eru skilgreind 21 3 verkefni, stór og smá. Mörg verkefnanna eru þverfagleg og krefjast samstarfs mil l i ólíkra starfseininga innan safnsins, en önnur eru eðli legt framhald fyrri verkefna. Framundan er að tengja þau við árlegar verkefnaáætlanir og hrinda þeim í framkvæmd. Knowledge Source for Everyone: Policy of the National and University Library of Iceland for 201 3 – 201 7 Early in 201 3 the National and University Library of Iceland started work on a new policy. The purpose was to develop guidelines for the employees of the Library while focusing on the Library’s activities for the years to come. The Executive Board of the Library, along with the Human Resources Manager, led this work and carried out the necessary coordination of ideas in shaping the new policy. Mr Sigurjón Þórðarson, from Gekon Consultants, guided the work in the beginning, participated in the organization of the work and chaired the meetings. In forming the policy, there was extensive consultation and meetings were held with employees, partners and stakeholders of the Library and a special meeting was held with a group of students from the Uni- versity of Iceland. Since the Board of the Library has an advisory role to the National Librarian in policy develop- ment it was also instrumental in the work, attended meetings and studied the policy documents in different stages. Several documents were used as background material, such as the National Library Act from 201 1 , the Library Act from 201 2, a Parl iamentary resolution on cultural policy from 201 3, Governmental policy on the Information Society from 201 3, documents from the Consortium of Icelandic Libraries (Landskerfi) and Ice- land Consortium for Electronic Subscriptions (Landsað- gangur), besides considering the developments in l ibraries around the world. The new policy is based on the former policy from 2009-201 3. The emphasis then was on services, electronic solutions, collection and organization of electronic material, as well as cooperation. The new policy wil l continue along the same track as previously but more emphasis wil l be placed on research, innova- tion and changes in the use of the Library’s premises. The policy document outl ines 61 strategic items, di- vided into eight general categories. To accomplish this, 21 3 projects, big and small , have been defined. Many of the projects are interdiscipl inary and call for cooperation across different fields of the Library; others are a logical continuation of older projects. In the future they wil l be linked to the annual project-plans and implemented. - I nformation Technology - Research and I nnovation - Library Collections and Cataloguing - Preservation - Access and Dissemination - Service - Staff Culture and Working Environment - Premises General categories: - I nitiative - Development and innovations - Ambitions and professionalism - Collaboration Values:
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