
Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Side 38

Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Side 38
Bókasafnið 38. árg. 2014 38 þjálfadeild voru fæst í þessari rannsókn, en í þeirri deild mældist hæsta fylgnin milli útlána og einkunna grunnnema. Fróðlegt væri að kanna hvort þau noti frekar rafræn gögn en aðrar deildir. Einnig er spurning hvort bókasafnið geti bætt þjónustuna og/eða safnkostinn á þeirra efnissviði og fjölgað útlánum þeirra? Ein rannsókn kallar á fleiri og áhugavert væri að rannsaka notkun á gögnum í Landsaðgangi og rafræn­ um séráskriftum Háskóla Íslands og bera saman við út­ lánatölur og kanna tengsl notkunarinnar við námsgengi. Ef þróa á þjónustu á háskólabókasafni og auka faglega heimildanotkun nemenda er nauðsynlegt að rannsaka upplýsingahegðun, notkun og viðhorf. Margar góðar eigindlegar rannsóknir hafa verið gerðar sem lokaverk­ efni í Bókasafns­ og upplýsingafræði, en ég sakna þess að sjá ekki fleiri megindlegar rannsóknir bæði úr náminu og innan starfsstéttarinnar. Ég tel að það sé mikilvægt fyrir framþróun bókasafna í landinu að fjölga megindleg­ um rannsóknum í faggreininni til að öðlast heildarsýn og kortleggja stöðuna á hverjum tíma og er þessi könnun vonandi innlegg í þá átt. Þakkir: Ég vil þakka vinnuveitanda mínum fyrir að veita mér svigrúm í starfi til að framkvæma þessa rannsókn sem vonandi gagnast bókasafni Menntavísindasviðs til að gera góða þjónustu enn betri. Einnig vil ég nota tækifær­ ið og þakka samstarfskonu minni Þórhildi S. Sigurð­ ardóttur kærlega fyrir yfirlesturinn. Abstract: University library material usage and its correlation to academic performance This quantative study focuses on the circulation statistics of students enrolled in the University of Ice­ land’s School of Education during the academic year 2012­2013. It records the average number of books borrowed by students as well as the number of students who borrowed no books at all, determining whether factors such as the faculty in which students were en­ rolled and/or the stage at which they were studying ﴾i.e. undergraduate or graduate level﴿ have a significant bearing on either figure. In addition, it examines whether there is a correlation between the number of loans made by students and their final GPA ﴾grade point average﴿. The findings were as follows. Of a total of 2,171 stud­ ents 1,066 ﴾48%﴿ borrowed no books at all during the said period. Moreover, a proportionately larger number of undergraduate than graduate students had borrowed books ﴾61% as against 43%﴿, and students in the Faculty of Sport, Leisure Studies and Social Education borrowed the fewest number of books. Spearman’s rho was used to determine whether there was a correlation between the number of books borrowed by students and their final GPA and discovered that there was indeed a positive correlation, i.e. that the more loans a student made the more likely he/she was to have a high GPA. These findings are comparable to similar studies carried out abroad. Heimildir Birgir Björnsson. ﴾mars, 2013﴿. Notkun á gagna­ og tímaritasöfnum í Landsaðgangi 2012. hvar. is. Sótt af http://hvar.is/index.php?page=notkun Bridges, L. M. ﴾2008﴿. Who is not using the library? A comparison of undergraduate academic disciplines and library use. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 8﴾2﴿, 187– 196. Sótt af http://search.proquest.com/docview/216175681?accountid=288 22 Cox, B. and Jantti, M. ﴾2012﴿. Discovering the impact of library use and student performance. Educause Review: Online. Sótt af http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/discovering­impact­library­ use­and­student­performance#comments Davidson , K. S., Rollins, S. H. og Cherry, E. ﴾2013﴿. Demonstrating our value: Tying use of electronic resources to academic success. The Serials Librarian: From the Printed Page to the Digital Age, 65﴾1﴿, 74­79. doi:10.1080/0361526X.2013.800630 Dilevko, J., og Gottlieb, L. ﴾2002﴿. Print sources in an electronic age: A vital part of the research process for undergraduate students. Journal ofAcademic Librarianship, 28﴾6﴿, 381­392. doi:10.1016/S0099­1333﴾02﴿00341­5 Einar Guðmundsson og Árni Kristjánsson. ﴾2005﴿. Gagnavinnsla í SPSS. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan. Field, A. ﴾2009﴿. Discovering statistics using SPSS: (And sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll) ﴾3. útgáfa﴿. London: Sage. Gerke, J. og Maness, J. M. ﴾2010﴿. The physical and the virtual: The relationship between library as place and electronic collections. College & Research Libraries 71﴾1﴿, bls. 20– 31. Sótt af http://crl.acrl.org/content/71/1/20.full.pdf+html Goodall, D. og Pattern, D. ﴾2011﴿. Academic library non/low use and undergraduate student achievement. Library Management, 32﴾3﴿, 159–170. doi:10.1108/01435121111112871 Ingibjörg Steinunn Sverrisdóttir ﴾ritstjóri﴿. [2013]. Ársskýrsla 2012. [Reykjavík]: Landsbókasafn Íslands – Háskólabókasafn. Sótt af http://landsbokasafn.is/uploads/arsskyrslur/Arsskyrsla2012.pdf Kayongo, J. og Helm, C. ﴾2010﴿. Graduate students and the library: A survey of research practices and library use at the University of Notre Dame. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49﴾4﴿, 341–349. Sótt af http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&A N=51203279&site=ehost­live Liu, Z. ﴾2006﴿. Print vs. electronic resources: A study of user perceptions, preferences, and use. Information Processing & Management, 42﴾2﴿, bls. 583–592. doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2004.12.002 Matthews, J. R. ﴾2012﴿. Assessing library contributions to university outcomes: The need for individual student level data. Library Management, 33﴾6﴿, 389– 402. doi: 10.1108/01435121211266203 Stone, G. og Ramsden, B. ﴾2013﴿. Library impact data project: Looking for the link between library usage and student attainment. College and Research Libraries, 74﴾6﴿, 546–559. Sótt af http://crl.acrl.org/content/74/6/546.full.pdf+html Wong, S. H. R. og Webb, T.D. ﴾2011﴿. Uncovering meaningful correlation between student academic performance and library material usage. College & Research Libraries, 72﴾4﴿, bls. 361­ 370. Sótt af http://crl.acrl.org/content/72/4/361.full.pdf+html



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