Gripla - 20.12.2014, Side 166
phrases from 114a7–23 (corresponding to AM 672 4to, 19v2–15; AM 624
4to 136.18–137.8),15 and 114b12–34 (= AM 672 4to: 20r4–17; AM 624
4to: 137.22–138.12). the Oculos sacerdotis has not been edited and exists in
a multitude of manuscripts. the Icelandic translation of the treatise on the
seven deadly sins seems paraphrastic and amplified in comparison with the
two manuscripts consulted, that is university of Pennsylvania Codex 721
and new College oxford university MS 292. L. E. Boyle calls the latter
manuscript, which has been dated to the second half of the fourteenth cent-
ury, “a very reliable manuscript,” and one which “has been used generally”
in his thesis.16
the other manuscript is AM 624 4to, an Icelandic miscellany of pri-
marily scientific and religious literature dating from around 1500.17 the
content of the codex, which is written in seven hands, is as follows:18 a
section of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux’s Meditationes piissimae de cognitione
humanae conditionis (pp. 1–14; defective), small sections on “At telja dægr
til smátalna,” “Lagatala á tveim misserum,” and “Silfrgangr á Íslandi ca.
1000” (p. 15), Ræður andligs efnis (pp. 16–53; defective), eighteen exempla
(pp. 53–85; defective),19 Leiðarvísan (pp. 85–90; defective),20 Skriptaboð
Þorláks biskups (pp. 91–97),21 Numeri latini cardinales et ordinales (p. 97),
Um sálmasöng ok nytsemi hans (pp. 98–100), “nöfn austrvegs konunga”
in greek, Hebrew, and Latin (p. 100),22 a section on “um rúmmál” (p.
15 McDougall, “Latin Sources of the old Icelandic Speculum Penitentis,” 183–84.
16 Boyle, “A Study of the Works Attributed to William of Pagula,” 169.
17 Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog: Registre (odense: Aio, 1989), 457.
18 kristian kålund, Katalog over Den arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling, 2 vols. (Copenhagen:
gyldendal, 1889−94), 2:37-39.
19 edited in Miðaldaævintýri þýdd úr ensku, ed. Einar g. Pétursson, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar
á Íslandi, rit, vol. 11 (reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi, 1976), 3−6 and
39−99, and Islendzk æventyri: Isländische Legenden Novellen und Märchen, ed. Hugo Gering,
2 vols. (Halle an der Saale: Waisenhaus, 1882−83), 1:26−7, 53−85, 117−36, 201−3, 244−45,
and 307−8.
20 Variants from AM 624 4to are listed in, for example, Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigt-
ning, ed. finnur Jónsson, 4 vols. (Copenhagen: gyldendal, 1912−15), 1A:618−24, and in
“Leiðarvísan,” ed. Katrina Attwood, in Poetry on Christian Subjects, ed. Margaret Clunies
ross, 2 vols., Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, vol. 7 (turnhout: Brepols,
2007), 1:141−71.
21 edited in DI, 1:240−44 and in Sveinbjörn rafnsson, “Skriftaboð Þorláks byskups,” Gripla
5 (1982):102–13.
22 edited in Alfræði íslenzk: Islandsk encyclopædisk litteratur, ed. kristian kålund, 3. vols.,
StuAgnL, 37, 41, 45 (Copenhagen: Møller, 1908−18), 3:23.