Gripla - 20.12.2014, Qupperneq 264
heita’ (‘hinn gamli’ added in first line; some additions in the list of the
second nine sons of Hálfdan; Skáldskaparmál 104/20 inserted after EMÓ
362 line 2; in EMÓ 362 line 41 a further definition of skattkonungar is
given; the last line of this article omitted, as in AM 743 4to); ‘Kristr’;
‘kallmanna–kènníngar’ (etymologies of skáld and greppr inserted; EMÓ
366 lines 10–11 expanded, and a reference to Fossverjar in Víglundar
saga is included; addition (‘Skeggjar’) at EMÓ 367 line 22; various other
changes and additions in these lists, e.g. at EMÓ 372 line 1); ‘Kvenna heiti
og kenningar’ (EMÓ 374 lines 7–10 are here more like Skáldskaparmál
107/29–33 and there are some items added or changed in this passage;
Items added after EMÓ 375/37, 376/66); ‘Kilfa er kend i þessari visu’;
‘kúa-heití’ (expansion at the end) = EMÓ 358–80.
Pp. 284–317: ‘Læti og um þær kenningar’; ‘Lif’; ‘Leggja-heiti’ (two
verse quotations added, one attributed to Bjarni and also in AM 742
4to, see jón Helgason 1966, 178–79,3 and one to sturla Þórðarson,
Hákonarkviða 35/1–4); ‘Logns-heiti’; ‘Mál-heitir’, ‘nótt-heitir’ (3 addi-
tional terms inserted after verse); ‘naut-heitir’; ‘orusta-heitir’; ‘øxa-heiti
og kenningar’; ‘orma-heiti’ (some additions at the end); ‘ørfa-heiti’; ‘Sólar-
heiti og kenníngar’ (2 words added before first verse; EMÓ 386 lines 25–28
omitted); ‘Sækónga-heiti’ (some names omitted); ‘Sjóar heiti og Kenníngar’
(additions after EMÓ 387/4; order of material changed in some places;
verses added at end, see Skáldskaparmál 38/16–29, 63/9–10, 14, including
a verse attributed to Þórðr Særeksson otherwise only known from AM 742
4to, see EMÓ § 111 and footnote on p. 107); ‘Sauðar-heiti’; ‘Svín-heitir’;
‘sverdaheite og kenníngar’ (the list of names put into alphabetical order
and some added; EMÓ 391 line 22 ‘sem kormakur quad’ omitted, replaced
by ‘máni Valhallar og Ódins’; several names for spear added after EMÓ 391
line 25, cf. Skáldskaparmál verse 464); ‘Sár-heitir’ (with addition of last line
of Fóstbrœðra saga verse 40 (Íslenzk fornrit, 6:275) and a couplet attributed
to skáld-Helgi, ‘megut járn ei fet fyrnast’, cf. EMÓ § 111); ‘Sumar ken-
nist’; ‘Skógar-heiti’ (the names put into alphabetical order); ‘Skipa-heiti’
(inserted at the beginning is the list of ship-names from the end of the
article in EMÓ 395 in alphabetical order, followed by ‘græðisvagn’ (EMÓ
3 jón Helgason, ‘verse aus der Laufás-edda’, in kurt Rudolph, Rolf Heller, and ernst
Walter, eds., Festschrift Walther Baetke: Dargebracht zu seinem 80. Geburtstag am 28. März
1964 (Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus nachfolger, 1966), 175–80.