Jökull - 01.12.1985, Síða 28
1972), who proposed that sea level had remained con-
stant on the Vestfirdir peninsula for a considerable
period of time, and to Thoroddsen (1892a) who held the
view that marine regression was in progress in the area.
(6) It is evident from the present investigation that a
reconstruction of the glacial history of Hornstrandir
cannot be but tentative, as correlations are difficult to
make due to few and scattered sections, often low
preservation potential of geomorphical features and a
lack of datable organic material in the Late Weichse-
lian/Early Flandrian sequence. Our knowledge of the
glacial history of the North Atlantic in general, and of
areas around the Greenland Sea in particular, has gra-
dually increased during the past few years (Boulton
1979, Boulton et al. 1982, Funder 1982, 1984, Hjort
1981, 1985, Hjort and Björck 1984, Ruddiman and
Mclntyre 1981). Hornstrandir is affected by the same
weather system which brings precipitation to northeast
Greenland, and thus all information from northern and
western Iceland is valuable when reconstructions of the
palaeoenvironments in the Greenland Sea area are
(7) Our concept of the glacial history and sea level
changes on Hornstrandir is summarized in Fig. 17.
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Imsland, Nordic Volcanological Institute, Reykjavík,
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26 JÖKULL 35. ÁR