
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 28

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Qupperneq 28
1972), who proposed that sea level had remained con- stant on the Vestfirdir peninsula for a considerable period of time, and to Thoroddsen (1892a) who held the view that marine regression was in progress in the area. (6) It is evident from the present investigation that a reconstruction of the glacial history of Hornstrandir cannot be but tentative, as correlations are difficult to make due to few and scattered sections, often low preservation potential of geomorphical features and a lack of datable organic material in the Late Weichse- lian/Early Flandrian sequence. Our knowledge of the glacial history of the North Atlantic in general, and of areas around the Greenland Sea in particular, has gra- dually increased during the past few years (Boulton 1979, Boulton et al. 1982, Funder 1982, 1984, Hjort 1981, 1985, Hjort and Björck 1984, Ruddiman and Mclntyre 1981). Hornstrandir is affected by the same weather system which brings precipitation to northeast Greenland, and thus all information from northern and western Iceland is valuable when reconstructions of the palaeoenvironments in the Greenland Sea area are attempted. (7) Our concept of the glacial history and sea level changes on Hornstrandir is summarized in Fig. 17. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Hannelore Hákansson, Dept. of Quaternary Geology, Lund, analyzed our samples from Haelavík for diatoms, Jan Gabrielsson, Dept. of Paleontology and Historical Geology, Lund, checked them for foraminifera. Páll Imsland, Nordic Volcanological Institute, Reykjavík, analyzed the Haelavík tephra. Maps and textfigures were drawn by Christine Andreasson and Inger Lander, the photo work was done by Rezö Lazlo and our English was checked by Robert Price. REFERENCES Andersen, B.G. 1981: Late Weichselian Ice Sheets in Eurasia and Greenland. In: G.H. Denton and T.J. Hughes (Eds.). The Last Great Ice Sheets. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 3—65. Beschel, R.E. 1961: Dating rock surfaces by lichen growth and its application to glaciology and physio- graphy (lichenometry). In: G.O. Raasch (Ed.). Geology of the Arctic (2). University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 1044—1062. Björck, S. and T. Persson 1981: Late Weichselian and Flandrian biostratigraphy and chronology from the Hochstetter Foreland, Northeast Greenland. Med- delelser om Grönland, Geoscience 5: 1 — 19. Boulton, G.S. 1979: A model of Weichselian glacier variations in the North Atlantic region. Boreas 8: 373-395. Boulton, G.S., C.T. Baldwin, J.D. Peacock, A.M. McCabe, G. Miller, J. Jarvis, B. Horsefield, P. Worsley, N. Eyles, P.N. Chroston, T.E. Day, P. Gibbard, P.E. Hare and V. von Brunn 1982: A glacioisostatic facies model and amino acid strati- graphy for late Quaternary events in Spitsbergen and the Arctic. Nature 298: 347—441. Bout, P., J. Corbel, M. Derruau, L. Garavel, and C.P. Péguy, 1955: Geomorphologie et Glaciologie en Islande Centrale. Norois 2: 461-571. Buckley, J. T. 1969: Gradient of past and present outlet glaciers. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 69/29: pp. 1 — 13. Caseldine, C.J. 1983: Resurvey of the margins of Gljúfurárjökull and the chronology of recent deglaciation. Jökull 33: 111 — 118. Dansgaard, W., S.J. Johnsen, N. Reeh, N. Gundestrup, H.B. Clausen and C.U. Hammer 1975: Climatic changes, Norsemen and modern man. Nature 255: 24-26. Einarsson, E. 1975: Gródurfar á Hornströndum og í Jökulfjördum. Náttúrufraedingurinn 45: 43—52. Einarsson. M.Á. 1976: Vedurfar á Íslandí. Idunn, Reykjavík, 150 pp. Einarsson. Th. 1956: Frjógreining fjörumós úr Seltjörn. Náttúrufraedingurinn 26: 194-198. — 1961: Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen zur spát- und postglazialen Klimageschichte Islands. Sonder- veröffentlichungen des Geologischen Institutes der Universitát Köln 6: 52 pp. — 1963: Pollen-analytical studies on the vegetation and climate history of Iceland in Late and Post-glacial times. In: A. Löve and D. Löve (Eds.). North Atlantic Biota and their History. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 355—365. — 1964: Aldursákvardanir á fornskeljum. Náttúrufraed- ingurinn 34: 127-136. — 1967: Zu der Ausdehnung der weichselzeitlichen Vereisung Nordislands. Sonderveröffentlichungen des Geologischen Institutes der Universitát Köln 13: 167-173. — 1968: Jardfraedi. Saga bergs og lands. Mál og Menn- ing, Reykjavík. 335 pp. — 1973: Jardfraedi. Heimskringla, Reykjavík. 254 pp. Einarsson, Tr. 1946: Afstada láds og lagar á sídustu árþúsundum. Skírnir 120: 163—201. — 1966: Late and Post-glacial rise in Iceland and sub- crustal viscosity. Jökull 16: 157—166. — 1972: Edlisþaettir jardarinnar og jardsaga íslands. Almenna Bókafélagid, Reykjavík, 267 pp. Eythórsson, J. 1935: On the variations of glaciers in 26 JÖKULL 35. ÁR
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