Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.12.1997, Qupperneq 39

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.12.1997, Qupperneq 39
Ráðstefnur Nánari upplýsingar fást hjá Félagi íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga. Second International Course on Ilealth in Cold Environments Staður: Kuusamo, Finnlandi Tínii: 1.-8. febrúar 1998 6tli International Nurse Practitioner Conference Efni: Working together: Nurses and doctors in practice - substitution, overlap or teamwork? Staður: Melbourne, Astralíu Tími: 6. - 8. febrúar 1998 6tli Nursing Research Conference Staður: Lissabon, Portúgal Tími: 11. - 13. febrúar 1998 3rd Meiital Health Nursing Conference Staður: Belfast, Norður-írlandi Tími: 20. - 22. febrúar 1998 4tli International, Multidisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference Staður: Vancouver, Kanada Tími: 19. - 21. febrúar 1998 Safety in Action - Tbe International Safety Exposition Staður: Melliourne, Ástralíu Tími: 25. - 28. febrúar 1998 2nd Europeaii Region Conference of tlie Commonwealth Nurses Federation Staður: St. Julians, Malta Tími: 27. - 29. mars 1998 International Nursing Researcb Conference - The Leading Edge Á vegum Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom Research Society Staður: Edinborg, Skotlandi Tími: 3. - 5. apríl 1998 The 2nd International Conference of tlie Association for Continence Advice Staður: Edinborg, Skotlandi Tími: 20. - 23. apríl 1998 International Conference of WHO Collaboratmg Centers for Nursing and Midwifery in Korea Staður: Kyongju, Korea Tími: 26. apríl - 1. maí 1998 International Conference on Woinen's Healtli: Occupation, Cancer and Reproduction New Perspectives in Occupational Epidemiology Staður: Reykjavík Tími: 14. - 16. maí 1998 National Nursbig Congress, Nursbig 98 Staður: Santiago de Cuba City, Kúbu Tími: 25. - 29. maí 1998 Resuscitation '98 4th Congress of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) Staður: Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku Tími: 5. - 6. júní 1998 International Seininars Tuberculosis: clinical aspects of diag- nosis, care and treatment Staður: Liverpool, Bretlandi Tími: 7. - 13. júní 1998 Den 4. Skandinaviske HLR-Kongres Á vegum Dansk Rád for Genoplivning Staður: Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku Tími: 6. og 7. júní 1998 ESPO-IO lOtli Scientific Meeting of llie European Society of Psycbosocial Oncology Staður: Stokkhúlmur, Svíþjóð Tími: 14. - 17. júní 1998 7th I nternational Conference of Maternily Care Researchers Efni: Breaking new ground in Maternity Care Staður: Bergen, Noregi Tími: 22. - 24. júlí 1998 WENR 9th Biemiial Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers Staður: Helsinki, Finnlandi Tími: 5. - 8. júlí 1998 lOtli International Conference on Cancer Nursing Cancer Nursing: Hope and Vision Staður: Jerusalem, Israel Tími: 30. ágúst - 4. september 1998 International Seniinars Quahty Improvement in Nursing Staður: Oxford, Bretlandi Tíini: 6. - 12. september 1998 Tbe Orthopaedic Family - laking orthopaedics forward Á vegum Royal College of Nursing of tbe United Kingdom, Society of Orthojiaedic Nursing Staður: Manchester, Englandi Tími: 10. - 13. september 1998 Tbird International Nursing Researcb Conference Staður: Tokyo, Jajian Tími: 16. - 18. septembr 1998 World Conference on Higlier Education —Iligher Education in the Twenty-first Century Á vegum UNESCO, maJt með af ICN Staður: París, Frakklandi Tími: 28. september - 2. október 1998 9tli Conference of the European Association of Nurses m Aids Care (EANAC) Staður: Zurich, Sviss Tími: 28.-31. október 1998 The third International Nursbig Conference - Eniiiowernient and Ilealth, an Agenda for Nurses bi the 21 Century Staður: Brunei Darussalam Tírni: 1.-4. nóvember 1998 Secoiul International Conference on Exjiaiidiiig Boundaries of Nursbig Glohally Staður: Pattaya, Thailand Tími: 8. - 11. nóvember 1998 ICN Centennial Conference Efni: Celehrating Nursing's past - Claiming the future Staður: London, Englandi Tírni: 27. júní - 1. júlí 1999 Námskeið CRI-TEC - Crisis Training Education Councelling Cojiing witli Sudden Deatli A One Day Multidisciphnary School Staður: York, Bretlandi Leiðbeinandi: Bob Wright, Hon MSc; RGN; RMN Tími: 13. ágúst 1997 CRI-TEC - Crisis Training Education Coimcelling Tbe Emotional Cost of Carbig A One Day Scbool to Explore Some of tbe Issues Staður: Cambridge, Bretlandi Tími: 18. september 1997 International Seminars Tuberculosis: tbe role of tbe nurse in jirevention, control and care Skijmlagt af Tbe Britisb Council. Staður: London, Bretlandi Tími: 21. - 27. september 1997 University of Dundee Distance Learning Progrannnes 1997/1998 • Orthojiaedic & Rehabihtatin Technology • Orthojiaedic Medical Tecbnology • Plaster Technology • Chnical Audit & Researcb for Pbysiotherapists TÍMARIT HJÚKRUNARFRÆÐINGA 5.TBL. 73.ÁRG. 1997 287
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