Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1977, Síða 76

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1977, Síða 76
74 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR HEIMILDASKRÁ. — REFERENCES. Arason, Bjarni, 1969: Töflur með erindi Bjarna Arasonar um afkvæmarannsóknir á nautum. Fundur ráðunauta 1969. Fjölrit 9. Auran, T., 1976: Studies on monthly and cumu- lative monthly milk yield records. IV. Esti- mating total lactation from part-lactations. Acta Agr. Scand., 26: 10—17. Danell, B., 1976: Innverkan av álder, kalvings- mánad och besáttingens avkastningsnivá pá av- kastningen under första laktationen. Landbruks- högskolans meddelanden, Serie A, Nr. 255. 43 s. Fimland, E. A., 1976: Estimation of sires breeding value. VI. Different linear prediction methods discussed in the context of the breeding struc- ture of the population. Z. Tierziichtg. Ziichtgs- biol., 93: 14—30. Fimland, E. A., Bar-Anan, R., og Harvey, W. R., 1972: Studies on dairy records from Israeli- Friesian cattle. I. Influence of some environ- mental effects. Acta Agr. Scand., 22: 34—48. Freeman, A. E., 1973: Age adjustment of pro- duction records. History and basic problems. J. Dairy Sci., 56: 941—946. Gravir, K. og Hickman, C. G., 1966: Importance of lactation number, age and season of calving for dairy cattle breed improvement. Canada Dep. of Agriculture Publications 1239, 31 s. Hammond, J., 1958: Skýrsla um búfjárrækt á íslandi. Búnaðarrit 71: 351—3'67. Harvey, W. R., 1960: Least square analyses of data with unequal subclass number. USDA, ARS 20—8. 157 s. Henderson, C. R., 1949: Estimation of changes in herd environment. J. Dairy Sci., 32: 706. Henderson, C. R., 1973: Sire evaluation and genetic trends. Proc. of the Animal Breeding and Genetics Symp. In Honor of Dr. J. L. Lush, A.S.A.S. and ADSA, Champaign, Illinois: 10—41. Henderson, C. R., 1974: General flexibility of linear model techniques for sire evaluation. J. Dairy Sci., 57: 963—972. Hickman, C. G., 1973: Herd-level methods for age adjustment of milk yields. J. Dairy Sci. 56: 947—951. Johansson, I. og Hansson, A., 1940: Causes of variation in milk and butterfat yield of dairy cows. K. Landbr. Akad. Tidskr., 79: 1—127. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1975: Mat á kynbóta- gildi gripanna í nautgriparæktarfélögunum. Freyr, 71: 146-—151. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1976: Athugun á leið- réttingum. Fjölrit, 14 s. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar og Jónsson, Magnús B., 1975: Niðurstöður úr skýrslum nautgriparækt- arfélaganna árið 1974. Freyr, 71: 152—158. Jónsson, Magnús B., 1968: Variasjonsársaker i melkeavdrátten hos islandske kyr. Licensiatrit- gerð við N.L.H., 106 s. Jónsson, Magnús B. og Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1974: Kynbótaskipulag fyrir íslenska kúastofn- inn. ísl. landbún., 6 (1—2): 49—63. Jónsson, Olafur, 1966: Bætt meðferð eða kyn- bætur. Ársrit Ræktunarfélags Norðurlands 63: 65—75. Lindström, U., Maijala, K. og Vilva, V., 1971: Studies on A.I. dairy sire proving. II Sire x region interactions. Z. Tierzúchtg. Zúchtgsbiol. 88: 1—11. Lush, J. L. og Shrode, R. R., 1950: Changes in milk production with age and milking fre- quency. J. Dairy Sci., 33: 338—357. McDaniel, B. T., 1973: Merits and problems of adjusting to other than mature age. J. Dairy Sci, 56: 959—967. Miller, P, 1973: A recent study of age adjust- ment. J. Dairy Sci, 56: 952—958. Miller, P. D, Lentz, W. E. og Henderson, C. R, 1970: Joint influence of month and age of calving on milk yield of Holstein cows in the Northeastern United States. J. Dairy Sci, 53: 351—357. Miller, R. H, Harvey, W. R, Tabler, K. A, Mc Daniel, B. T, og Corley, E. L, 1966: Maximum likelihood estimates of age effects. J. Dairy Sci, 49: 65—73. Searle, S. R, 1971: Linear Models. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 532 s. Searle, S. R. og Henderson, C. R, 1959: Esta- blishing age-correction faaors related to the level of herd production. J. Dairy Sci, 42: 824 835. Searle, S. R. og Henderson, C. R, 1960: Judging the effeaiveness of age correaion faaors. J. Dairy Sci, 43: 9'66—974.
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