Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1977, Qupperneq 92

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1977, Qupperneq 92
90 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR HEIMILDASKRÁ — REFERENCES Auran, T., 197'6: Studies on monthly and cumu- lative monthly milk yield records. III. Esti- mates of genetic and phenotypic parameters. Acta. Agr. Scand., 26: 3—9. Becker, W. A., 1967: Manual of proceedures in quantitative genetics. Washington State Univer- sity Pullman, Washington, 130 s-j-XI. Brcend, M., Rendel, J., Gahne, B. and Aðalsteins- son, S., 1962: Genetic studies on blood groups, transferrins and hemoglobins in Icelandic cattle. Hereditas, 48: 264—283. Christensen, L. G., 1974: Progeny testing of dairy sires based on field and test-station data. II. Half-sibs and half-cousins analysis. Acta. Agr. Scand., 24: 147—159. Dickerson, G. E., 1960: Techniques for research in quantitative animal genetics. Techniques and proceedures in animal production research. Amer. Soc. Anim. Prod. publication: 56—105. Eikje, E. D., 1974: Studies on sheep production records. III. Expectations of genetic parameters for lamb weights expressed as deviations from contemporary averages. Acta. Agr. Scand., 24: 260—266. Gustafson, G., 1972: Lámpligt laktationsavsnitt för avkommebedömning i mjölkproduktionen med speciell hánsyn till pagáende draktighet. En litteraturöversikt. Landbr.högsk.meddl. Se- ries A, no. 168, 32 s. Heuch, I., 1975: The relationship between separa- tion time and genetic distance based on angular transformations of gene frequencies. Biometrics, 31: 685—700. fohansson, I., 1961: Genetic aspects of dairy cattle breeding. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. 259 s. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1975a: Erfðabreytileiki í mjólkurmagni hjá íslenskum kám. Fjölrit nr. 5 frá Bændaskólanum á Hvanneyri. 11 s. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1975b: Mat á kynbóta- gildi gripanna í nautgriparæktarfélögunum, Freyr, 71: 146—151. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1976: Samanburður á reyndum og óreyndum nautum. Búnðarblaðið, 14: 30—31. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1977: Obirtar niður- stöður. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, Stefánsson, Ólafur E. og Jóhannsson, Erlendur, 1977: Rannsókn á af- urðtölum úr skýrslum nautgriparæktarfélag- anna. I. Áhrif aldurs og burðartíma. ísl. land- búnaðarr., bls. 48—75. Jónsson, Magnús B., 1968: Variasjonsársaker i melkeavdrátten hos islandske kyr. Lisensiatrit- gerð N.L.K., 106 s. Jónsson, Magnús B., 1976: Kynbótaeinkunnir. Ráðunautafundur 9.—14. febrúar 1976, 18 s. Jónsson, Magnús B. og Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1974: Kynbótaskipulag fyrir íslenzka kúastofn- inn. ísl. landbún., 6 (1—2): 49—63. Jónsson, Ólafur, 1966: Bætt meðferð og kynbætur. Ársrit Ræktunarfélags Norðurlands, 63: 65— 75. Keown, J. F. og Van Vleck, L. D., 1971: Selec- tion on test-day fat percentage and milk pro- duaion. J. Dairy. Sci., 54: 199—203. Maijala, K. og Hanna, M., 1974: Reliable pheno- typic and genetic parameters in dairy cattle. lst world congress on genetics applied to livestock produaion, 7.—11. oaober 1974. Madrid. Plenary sessions: 541—563. Mao, I. L., Henderson, C. R. og Miller, P. D. 1972: Intrasire regression of daughter on herd- mate performance: Nature of estimators and trend of estimates. J. Dairy Sci., 55: 845—850. Norman, H. D., McDaniel, B. T. og Dickinson, F. N., 1972: Conflicts between heritability esti- mates of mature equivalent and herd-mate de- viation milk and fat. J. Dairy Sci., 55: 507— 517. Politiek, R. D., 1974: The comparison of Frie- sians from different origin. I. Comparison of the produaion of Dutch Friesians randomly sampled within two breeding districts and herd levels. Z. Tierziichtg. Zuchtgsbiol., 91: 1—10. Robertson, A., 1959: The sampling variance of the genetic correlation coefficient. Biometrics, 15: 469—485. Robertson, A., 1961: Reviews of the progress of dairy science. Seaion A. Physiology. Genetics of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Res., 28: 195—207. Robertson, A., O’Connor, L. K. og Edwards, J., 1960: Progeny testing dairy breeds at different management levels. Anim. Prod., 2: 141—152.
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