Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1969, Blaðsíða 19
rejected. Cynodontium strumiferum (Hedw.) Lindb. is recorded from West-
Iceland. Dicranella heteromalla (Hedw.) Schimp. is recorded frorn warnt
ground in southwestern Iceland. Dicranella varia (Hedw.) Schimp. is recorded
from warm ground in South-west and North Iceland. Dicranum acutifolium
(Lindb. & H. Arnell) C. Jens. is recorded írom four localities in north-, nortli-
west- and northeastern parts of the country. All records of Dicranum angus-
lum Lindb. in Botany oi lceland are considered to be based on wrongiy deter-
rnined specimens, but the species is recorded from one locality in Northwest
Iceland. Ditrichum cylindricum (Hedw.) Grout is recorded from North- and
Soutli-Iceland. Tlie record ol Ditrichum nivale Limpr. in Botany of Iceland
is rejected, tlie specimens belong to Dicranella. Drepanocladus sendtneri
(Schimp.) Warnst. was omitted by the author 1968 (Johannsson 1968). The
species is recorded in Botany of lceland as found in one locality only, and
this is the only record I know of lor the species in Iceland. I have now seen
the specimens in question and I agree with the determination. Drepanocladus
tundrae (H. Arnell) Loeske is recorded from Northwestern lceland and froni
the central highland. Funaria attenuata (Dicks.) Lindb. is recorded from
warrn ground in southwestern, western and nortliwestern Iceland. Tlie record
of Funaria fascicularis (Hedw.) Schimp. from Iceland is rejected, it was based
on specimens belonging to F. attenuata. Grimmia agassizii (Sull. & Lesq. ex
Sull.) Jaeg. & Sauerb. is recorded from Northwest Iceland. The records of
Grimmia alpestris (Web. & Mohr) Schleich ex Nees, Hornsch. & Sturm in
Botany ol Iceland are based on wrongly determined specimens but the species
is recorded from North-west Iceland. Grimmia anomala Hampe ex Schimp.
is recorded from several localities in North and North-West Iceland. Grimmia
elongata Kaulf. ex Sturm is recorded from one locality in South-Iceland.
The record of Grimrnia incurva Schwaegr. in Botany of Iceland is rejected,
the specimens belong to G. ovalis (Hedw.) Lindb. Herberta straminea (Dum.)
Lett is recorded from South Iceland. Hygrohypnum polare (Lindb.) Loeske
is recordecl from two locations in East Iceland. Hygrohypnum styriacum
(Limpr.) Broth. is recorded from Nortli Iceland and from a nunatak in
South-east Iceland. The record of Hylocomium pyrenaicum (Spruce) Lindb.
in Botany of Iceland is rejected. Hypnum imponens Hedw. must be excluded
from tlie author’s list from 1968. All records of this species in Botany of
Iceland are basecl on wrongly determined specimens. Leiocolea gillmanii
(Aust.) Evans is recorded from Nortli and South Iceland. Leskeella tectorum
(Eunck ex Brid.) Hag. is recorded from one locality in North Iceland.
Lophocolea bidentata (L.) Dum. is recorded as found in several localities in
southern and western parts of the country. Marsupella ustulata (Hueb.)
Spruce is recordecl from South-west Iceland. Mnium blyttii B. S. G. is re-
corded from two localities in North-Iceland. Mnium rostratum Schrad. is
recorded from one locality in West Iceland. The record of Mylia anomala
(Hook.) Gray in Botany of Iceland is considered to be wrong. The record of
Orthothecium rufescens (Brid.) B. S. G. in Botany of Iceland is considered to
be basecl on wrongly determined specimens. The records of Flagiothecium