

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1993, Side 113

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1993, Side 113
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 397 bls. Driscoll, C.T., J.P. Baker, J.J. Bisogni & C.L. Schofield 1980. Effect of alumi- nium speciation on físh in dilute acidi- fíed waters. Nature 284. 161-164. Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1990. Groundwater from glacial areas in Iceland. Jökull 40. 119-146. Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1993. Groundwater chemistry and aquifer classification in Iceland. í Hydrogelogy of Hard Rocks, 1. A.H. Memoires, XXIV, Part 1. (ritstj. S. Banks & D Banks). International As- sociation of Hydrogeologists. Bls. 507- 518. Freysteinn Sigurðsson & Kristinn Einars- son 1988. Groundwater resources oflce- land - availability and demand. Jökull 38. 35-53. Graedel, T.E. & J.P. Franey 1975. Field measurements of submicron areosol washout by snow. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2. 325-328. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1945. Vatns- fallategundir. Náttúrufrœðingurinn 15. 113-126. Guðmundur E. Sigvaldason 1963. Influ- ence of geothermal activity on the chem- istry of three glacial rivers in southern Iceland. Jökull 13. 10-17. Guðmundur E. Sigvaldason 1965. The Grímsvötn area. Chemical analysis of jökulhlaup water. Jökull 15. 125-128. Halldór Ármannsson, Helgi F. Magnússon, Pétur Sigurðsson & Sigurjón Rist 1973. Efnarannsókn vatna. Vatnasvið Hvítár - Ölfusár; einnig Þjórsár við Urriðafoss. Orkustofnun, OS - Rl. 28 bls. Helgi Björnsson & Hrefna Kristmanns- dóttir 1984. The Grímsvötn geothermal area. Vatnaiökull, lceland. Jökull 34. 25-50. Jón Ólafsson 1979. The chemistry of the Lake Mývatn and the River Laxá. Oikos 32. 82-112. Jón Ólafsson 1980. Temperature structure and water chemistry of the caldera lake Öskjuvatn: Limnol. Ocenaogr. 25. 779- 787. Jón Ólafsson 1991. Undirstöður lífríkis í Mývatni. í Náttúra Mývatns (ritstj. Arnþór Garðarsson og Árni Einarsson). Hið íslenska náttúrufrœðifélag, Revkja- vik. Bls. 141-165. Jón Ólafsson 1992. Chemical characteris- tics and trace elements of Thingvalla- vatn. Oikos 64. 151-161. Lamb, H.H. 1972. Climate: Present, Past and Future, vol. 1. Fundamentals and climate now. Methuen & Co. Ltd. Lon- don. 613 bls. Meybeck, M. 1979. Concentrations des eaux fluviales en éléments majeurs et apports en solution aux océans: Rev. Geologie Dynamique et Geographie Physique 21. 215-246. Meybeck, M. 1982. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus transport by world rivers: American Journal of Science 282. 401- 450. Níels Óskarsson 1980. The interaction be- tween volcanic gases and thephra; fluo- rine adhering to thephra of the 1970 Hekla eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 8. 251-266. Raiswell, R. & A.G. Thomas 1984. Solute acquisition in glacial melt waters. I. Fjallsjökull (south-east Iceland): bulk meltwaters with closed-system char- acterisitics. Journal of Glaciology 30. 35-43. Sigurður R. Gíslason 1989. Kinetics of water-air interactions in rivers: A field study in Iceland. í Water-Rock Interac- tions (ritstj. D.L. Miles). Balkema, Rotterdam. Bls. 263-266. Sigurður Reynir Gíslason 1990. Chemis- try of precipitation on the Vatnajökull glacier and the chemical fractionation caused by the partial melting of snow. Jökull 40. 97-117. Sigurður R. Gíslason & H. Eugster 1987a. Meteoric water-basalt interactions: I. A laboratory study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 51. 2827-2840. Sigurður R. Gíslason & H. Eugster 1987b. Meteroric water-basalt interactions: II. A field study in NE Iceland. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 51. 2841-2855. Sigurður R. Gíslason & Stefán Arnórsson 1988. Efnafræði árvatns á íslandi og hraði efnarofs. Náttúrufrœðingurinn 58. 183-197. Sigurður R. Gíslason & Stefán Arnórsson 1990. Saturation state of natural waters in lceland relative to primary and sec- ondary minerals in basalts. í Fluid-Min- eral Interactions: A Tribute to H.P. 235
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