Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1940, Síða 145

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1940, Síða 145
ÞINGTÍÐINDI 123 Að gefnu tilefni gerði séra Guðm. Árnason fyrirspurn um meðferð atkv. frá deildum á fyrri þingum. Urðu tals- verðar umræður út úr þessu, og gerðu þeir séra Jakob Jónsson og Rósmundur Árnason tillögu um að vísa þessu aftur til kjörbréfanefndar til frekari yfirveg- unar, og komi hún fram með ákveðinn úrskurð að morgni. Var sú tillaga sam- Þykt. Þá las Laura B. Sigurðsson skýrslu frá “The Young Icelanders.” The Annual Report of “Young Icelanders" Acting President, Icelandic National League, Winnipeg, Man. Dear Sir: Before submitting the Report of the “Young Icelanders”, we wish to pay tribute to the late Dr. Rögnvaldur Pét- Ursson, President of the Icelandic Na- tional League. A great leader and a good man, in whose passing, we of the ýounger generation, feel a great per- s°nal loss, for we felt and rightly so, that in Dr. Pétursson we had an under- standing and a sympathetic friend— Who looked upon our endeavors, not in the light of actual accomplishments Þut seeing the possibilities in the future for our organization. We recognize the Sreat loss to the Icelandic National Loague but to you he passed the Torch that he had held aloft so long, and we sincerely hope that these organizations taay, with united effort, be able to con- tinue the work of which he took such a teading part. The Pinancial Report of the “Young celanders” from February 1939 to Feb- ruary 1940, is as follows: Financial Statement January 21, 1939 to January 27, 1940 Receipts: Jan. 21, Cash on Hand .........$ 1.12 eb. 22, Concert held in I.O.G. T. Hall, 445 tickets @ 25c... 111.25 Cloakroom ............,.... 1.32 Mar. 31, Dance, Marlborough Hotel, 249 tickets @ 50c .. 124.50 Donation, Dunlop’s Drug Store, for decorations ...... 5.00 Dec. 1, Independence Day Ban- quet and Dance, Marlborough Hotel, 139 tickets @ $1.25. 173.75 Donation for programme: P. Anderson .............. 5.00 S. Thorkelsson ........... 5.00 Membership fees .............. 42.50 Bank interest ....................72 Total......................$470.16 Disbursements: Jan. 29 Membership Fee, Ice- landic National League .....$ 7.00 Feb. 22, Concert I.O.G.T. Hall: Columbia Press, Advt. $ 6.00 Viking Press, Advt..... 6.00 Felsted Bros, travelling expenses ............ 15.00 A. Helgason, travelling expenses ............ 15.00 ----- 42.00 Mar. 21, Dance, Marlb. Hotel: Ballroom ....$40.00 Orchestra .... 45.00 Decorations .... 9.50 Tickets, Thorg. Bros. 3.25 Columbia Press, advt. 3.00 Viking Press, advt 3.00 Ribbons and Pins 70 Tips to door attendants 2.00 Proceeds donated to Leif Eiriksson Statue Fund, New York World’s Fair ........ 23.05 ----- 129.50 Dec, 31, Independence Day Banquet and Dance, Marlborough Hotel: 139 dinners @ 85c....$118.15 Orchestra ............ 37.50 Grautuity to waiters.... 6.00 Columbia Press, advt.. 3.00 Viking Press, advt.... 3.00 Tickets, Thorg. Bros... 3.25 Programme “ “ .... 9.00 Cut, Mrs. Salverson.......68
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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