Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1981, Page 37

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1981, Page 37
35 ur. Stofnsetja þarf þjónustustöð fyrir sjón- skert fólk, sjónhjálp (low vision clinic), sem sæi um mátun og útvegun sjónglerja, þegar venjuleg gleraugu kæmu ekki að not- um. I <sambandi við slíka sjónhjálp þarf að skapa aðstöðu fyrir sjónþjálfa (synpeda- gog), sem annast endurþjálfun fólks, sem misst hefur sjón. Blindrafélagið í Reykjavík hefur unnið ómetanlegt starf fyrir alvarlega sjónskert fólk á sviði félags- atvinnu- og húsnæðis- mála. Brýnustu úrbætur á sviði blinduvama tel ég vera: 1. Lögskráning á sjónskertu fólki. Er slík skráning forsenda þess, að liœgt sé a8 skipuleggja þjónustu til varnar blindu. 2. Allsherjar skráning glákusjúklinga og sykursjúkra, en þeir eru stærsti áhættu- hópur blindu, sem oft er unnt að hálda í skefjum, ef nógu fljótt er gripiö í taumana. 3. Leit aö áhættuhóp hægfara gláku meö augnþrýstingsmœlingu á lieilsugæslu- stöövum og þar sem liópskoöanir fara fram. I{. Stofnsetja þjónustumiöstöö fyrir sjón- skert fólk (low vision clinic) og skapa þarf aöstööu fyrir sjónþjálfa, sem annast endurþjálfun þeirra, sem oröiö hafa fyrir varanlegu sjóntapi. SUMMARY Blindness in Iceland A review of legally blind persons in Iceland 1. dec. 1979. In a special survey 419 legally blind per- sons (212 males and 207 females were traced throughout the whole country at the end of the year 1979. (Legal blindness: 6/60 maximal corrected visual acuity better eye.) The survey was based on information from all the ophthalmologists in the country, the Blindness Association, the library for the blind, Community Physicians and several other sour- ces. The rate of legal blindness was found to be 185.1 per 100.000 population. By using the loco- motor vision criteria (3/60 Snellen) the rate is 120 and if the total blindness and no useful vision criteria is used the rate is 57 per 100.000 pop. Two thirds of the legal blind popu- lation are socially or industrially blind. The most common primary causes of legal blindness are senile macular degeneration (42%), open angle glaucoma (18.6%), and pre- natal influence (20.4)%. Diabetic retinopathy accounts for only 2.5%. The blindness rate in Iceland has decreased a great deal the past three decades. In 1950 the crude rate was 300 pr. 100.000 pop. The blindness criteria at that time was 3/60. The comparative figure in this: survey is 120. The cause of this decline of the blindness rate is due to decrease in glaucoma blindness. The blindness rate in the lower age groups is almost stationary. It is noteworthy that blindness from senile cataract is only 1.3% of all the blind popula- tion, much less than among other nations. This fact reflects at least on the hospital eye service in the country. The blindness rate in Iceland has in the past two or three decades fallen from the highest blindness rate in Europe to one of the lowest. It is suggested that recording of visually handicapped people and glaucoma patients should be compulsory. A low vision clinic is a goal to be aiming at as there is now no speciai service in Ice- iand of that kind. HEIMILDIR 1. Bird, A.C.: Prevention of blindness due to senile disciform macular degeneration. Trans. ophthal. Soc. U.K. 98, 1978. 2. Björnsson, G.: Blinda á Islandi. Lækna- blaðið 38. árg. 5. tbl. 1954. 3. Björnsson, G.: Prevalence and causes of blindness in lceland. Amer. J. Ophthal. 39: 2, 1955. 4. Björnsson, G.: The primary glaucoma in Iceland. Acta Ophthal. Supplementum 91, 1967. 5. Björnsson, G.: Augnhagur Borgfirðinga. Læknaneminn 4. tbl. 31. árg. 1978. 6. Björnsson, G.: Af hagleik læknishanda. Læknablaðið Fylgirit No. 2, 1978. 7. Björnsson, G.: Gláka á göngudeild. Lækna- blaðið 65. árg., 5. tbl. 1979. 8. Björnsson, G. & Halldórsson, S.: Sjónskert börn, Læknablaðið 65. árg., 4. tbl. 1979. 9. Blindness and partial sight in England 1969-76. Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects No. 129, 1979. 10. Estimated statistics on blindness and vi- sual problems. The National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Inc. New York, 1966. 11. Goldstein, H., & Goldberg, I.D.: The model reporting area for blindness statistics. Sightsav. Rev. 32, 1962. 12. Halldórsson, S., Björnsson, G.: Childhood blindness in Iceland. Acta Ophthal. Vol. 58, 1980. 13. Hatfield, E. M.: Estimates of Blindness in the United States. Sightsav. Rev. 43, 1973. 14. Kohner, E. M.: Diabetic retinopathy clinics


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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