Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.1982, Qupperneq 28

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.1982, Qupperneq 28
26 bouring countries, the practical need for dia- lysis may well correspond to only 20—25 new patients per million inhabitants per year. During the 12 year period 16 transplantations have been done on 14 patients. Three of these were living donor transplants. All cadaver kidney transplants are done through the Scandiatransplant matching system. As our patient group is too small to warrant a trans- plantation center in Iceland, a contract has been made with Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen to perform the operations. Results of necrokidney transplantations are quite comparable to those seen in other Nordic countries, the three year graft survival being 50%. HEIMILDIR 1. Ahlmén, J., Gelin, L-E, Brynger, H. & Bucht, H.: Active treatment of uremia in the city of Göteborg 1966—1977. Scand. J. Urol. NephroL, Suppl. 54, 16, 1980. 2. Combined report on regular dialysis and transplantation in Europe X, 1979. Proc. Europ. Dial. Transpl. Ass. Vol 17, Pitman Medical 1980. 3. Dialyse og nyretransplantation, organisation af benhandling. Sundhedsstyrelsen 1980. 4. Kolff, W.J.: The artificial kidney — past, present and future. Circulation 15:285, 1957. 5. Lamm, L.U.: Scandiatransplant —- activity and follow-up 1978. Scand. J. Nephrol. Suppl. 54, 6, 1980. 6. Njurtransplantationer i Norden. Nordiska Ministerrádet, sekretariatet, 1980. 7. Renal failure. A priority in health. Office of Health Economics White Crescent Press, London 1978. 8. Ryder, L.P., Andersen, E., Svejgárd, A.: An HLA map of Europe. Hum. Hered 28:171, 1978. 9. Skjærpe, T., Berg, K.S., Jörstad, S. & Wider- öe, T.E.: Hemodialyse-behandling ved kro- nisk nyresvikt. Tidskr. Nor. Lægeforen 98: 1263, 1978.
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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