Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.1982, Page 76

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.1982, Page 76
74 annast á Kvennadeild Landspítalans, þar sem aðstaða er til þess að fylgjast með þroska fóstursins. Á Landspitalanum er náin samvinna milli fæðingarlækna og þarna- lækna um meðhöndlun þessara tilfella, hve- nær og hvernig fæðingin skuli verða. Á Vökudeild Barnaspítala Hringsins, sem er gjörgæsludeild fyrir nýbura, er aðstaða til þess að veita börnunum meðferð á þeim vandamálum, sem upp kunna að koma eftir fæðinguna. ENGLISH SUMMARY A retrospective study was done in order to evaluate the utilization of ultrasound in dia- gnosing fetal growth retardation at the De- partment of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Landspitalinn, Reykjavik. Prenatal records of all women giving birth to small-for-dates babies during 1978 and 1979 were reviewed. 75 newborns were small-for-dates. 42 of them were evaluated by ultrasound during fetal life but only 28 of those were diagnosed as small- for-dates by ultrasound. The reason for failure in ultrasound diagnosis of fetal growth retar- dation may have been tiiat measurements of body circumference was not done routinely. It is the authors opinion that all pregnant women suspected of having growth retarded fetus should get prenatal care and obstetrical aid at an obsterical unit equipped with ultra- sound in order to have serial ultrasound mea- surement of fetal size. TILVITNANIR 1. Fritzhardinge, P.M., Kalman, E., Astley, S., Pape, K.E.: Present status of the infant of very low birth weight in a referral neonatal intensive care unit in 1974. 2. Gross, S.J., Kosmetatos, N., Grimes, C.T., Williams, M.L.: Newborn Head Size and Neurological Status. Am J. Dis. Child Val. 132 Aug 1978 p 753-756. 3. Mc Itwarne, G.M., Howat, R.C.L., Dunn, F., Macnaughton, M.C.: The Scottish Perinatal Mortality Survey. Br. Med. J. 1979 2 p 1103- 1106. 4. Fancourt, R., Campell, S., Harwey, D., Nor- man, A.P.: Follow-up study of small-for- dates babies. Br. Med. J. 1976 1 p 1435-1437. 5. Hutchins, C.J.: Delivery of the Growth — Retarted Infant. Obstet. Cynecol. Vol 56 No. 6 Des. 1980 p 683-686. 6. Editorial Br. Med. J. 1979 1 p 1381-1382. 7. Campbell, S., Thomas, A.: Ultrasound Mea- surement of the Fatal Head to Abdomen Ratio in the Assessment of Growth Retarda- tion. Br. Med. J. Obst. Gyn. 1977 84 p 165-174. 8. Neilson, J.P., Whitfield, C.R., Atchinson, T.C., Screening for the small-for-dates fetus: a two-stage ultrasonic examination schedule. Br. Med. J. 1980 1 p 1203-1206. 9. Thomson, A.M., Bellewicz, W.Z., Hytten, F. E.: The Assessment of Fetal Growth J. Obstet. Gynec. Brith. Cwlth. Sept. 1968. Vol. 75 p 903-916.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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