Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.1982, Qupperneq 92
was significantly elevated in three eases only.
In one the AFP phoved within normal limits
on repeat, while in the other two the fetuses
were thought to be dead at the time of amnio-
centeses. No case of a neural tube defect was
found. Eleven fetuses with chromosomal ab-
normalities were diagnosed. One of these could
not be confirmed on chromosomal analysis of
the aborted fetus and was considered to be a
cultural artefact. An additional five had
chromosomal variants, also present in one of
the parents. Cell culture failed completely in
3 cases. Ten of the chromosomally abnormal
fetuses were aborted (one aborted spontan-
eously) and also one fetus because of a meta-
bolic defect, GM, — gangliosidosis.
Of the 482 children delivered to this group,
14 were dysmature, 9 had congenital anomalies
and 2 were stillborn. No congenital defect, that
could have been diagnosed with the amnio-
centesis procedure, was subsequently found.
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